Wednesday, June 8, 2011

NOW! What?

The Elk Township Board calls an emergency meeting, then holds an illegal closed session.
According the the Red Book, which is the Bible for townships,
"The right to hold private or executive meetings of the township board has been severely limited under the Open Meeting Act. For township purposes, closed meeting are limited to:
1) Dismissal, suspension or disciplining of, to hear complaints or charges brought against or consider a periodic personnel evaluation of a public officer, employee, staff member or individual agent, if the named person requests a closed hearing;
2) Collective bargaining sessions at the request of either negotiating party;
3) Real estate purchase or lease consideration;
4) Consultation with the township attorney concerning pending litigation, but only if an open meeting would have a detrimental financial effect on the public body's litigating or settlement position;
5) Review of an employment application, only when requested by the applicant, and
6) Other matters exempt from disclosure by state or federal law."
page 55 of Authorities & Responsibilities by John H. Bauckham , Jan. 2006.
From what I understand, none of the above criterion were met, so what is the justification for a closed session, or is this simply another measure of "We are doing things our way."?
This Board continues to raise more questions than they answer! Next regularly scheduled board meeting is this Tues, June 14th, 7pm


  1. This is another example of certain members of this Board, doing what they want to do without knowledge of the rules and guidelines that govern their actions. They continue to operate with a "What do we want" philosophy, rather than what is good for the Township residents.

  2. This "Special Meeting" was called to talk about getting bids on replacement windows and update the electric. After Mr. Fairbanks suggested that instead of doing things piece meal and getting a structural evaluation of items that need to be done, Ms. Arquette called for a closed meeting "for personal reasons". The public was locked outside and when the meeting reconvened, a motion was passed to get a structural evaluation, no public comments allowed and meeting adjourned. Fourteen minutes to accomplish all this. Why could this not have waited until the regular meeting? Why get "personal" feelins involved in township business? It appears that some on our township board are being reasonable and looking out for the community, the others are looking out for their own interests. How far will this board go?

  3. This sounds like such a mess! I am a part-time resident and I was not aware of all of this going on. Please let us know (part-timers) what we can do to help. I am there most weekends, but I am happy to write emails or letters if necessary from home downstate if necessary.

  4. It would be nice if the township board meeting minutes were published somewhere so people who are unable to attend meetings would know what is going on.
