Thursday, July 21, 2011

Regularly Scheduled Meeting of Elk Township Goes Well, and Recall Goes On...

Notice the new links on the side bar:

Links to interesting websites

Just more information on the awfully hot, hot days of July...
Not much news info to share, just that according to the Fire Department Chair, the origin of the K & K Grocery fire was deemed "Undetermined" by the fire marshall,
and August 6th is the Annual Fireman's Ball, held again at Skinner Park.
There were motions made, seconded and passed to survey the rest of Lakeview Cemetery; renew our township's insurance policy; and turn the foreclosed township properties over to the county for selling (parcels which have not paid their property taxes).
 Sample Ballots have been printed for the Recall Election which will be held August 2, 2011 at the Elk Township Hall, the wording is as follows:
"Linda VanDolsen, Elk Township Supervisor (Marilyn VanVleet, Elk Township Clerk, and Frances Arquette, Elk Township Trustee), has demonstrated a lack of financial accountability and judgment when she committed Elk Township to spend $150,000.00 of cash reserve for a new town hall. She did not give due consideration to a less expensive proposal which would have extended the existing hall with new construction. The less expensive proposal would have added needed space and restored the integrity of the old building at considerable savings."

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