Tuesday, August 2, 2011



In a stunning turnout, voters have overwhelmingly spoken for recall...

Supervisor-Linda VanDolsen recalled 256 votes to 78
Clerk-Marilyn VanVleet recalled 244 to 85
Trustee-Frances "Cookie" Arquette recalled 245 to 84

What do you think?


  1. its sad that we've had 2 recalls in the past few years, glad i'm moving out of this township.

  2. Now that these people have been recalled, what is the next step? Will there be a special election? My hope is that we will be able to elect new officials that will have the best interests of the resident of Elk Township and leave their own agendas home.

  3. Ms. VanDolsen, et.al. made reference to a “small group” of people pushing for recall who did not represent anyone but themselves. Apparently, this small group was just the “tip of the iceberg.” What happens when one fails to acknowledge that most of the iceberg is hidden from view? You sink the ship.

  4. It's unfortunate that our community had to experience this recall situation. When you do not listen to the voices of the people in open meetings, you will hear their voices at the polls. The results of this recall is a prime example on how democracy in our great country is supposed to work. In regard to the statement of "a small group of people" were unhappy about the decision made by the three recalled, 75% of the voters were in favor of recall. In my opinion, thats NOT a small group. Voter turnout, 334, in an off year special election, also makes a statement that the people will be heard. It's time to heal our wounds, pick up the pieces, get some responsable people appointed to fill the board and start moving forward in Elk Township. We can do this if we all come together and work as a team, contribute to the cause, and enjoy the beautiful community that we live in.
