Monday, November 21, 2011

It's All Official now...and the skinny from the 1st Official Meeting...Nov 16, 2011

  • Douglas Mann, supervisor, commended all who came out to vote on November 8th, for a total voter turn out of 40% 
  • Vicki Gates, clerk, asked about bids for snowplowing, after discussion, it was requested she put an ad in the Star & Bulletin Board News soliciting bids for snowplowing
  • Sharon Young, trustee, reported that there will be a cemetery board meeting February 6th  @ 3pm @ Sauble twp; the cemetery survey is completed; there is a recommendation that the sexton position & maintenance position be combined for the cemetery next spring; the cemetery board is requesting a copy of all cemetery time sheets for the year
  •  ORV survey has been copied & folded, and is awaiting tax bills
  •   Whetherall has completed the cemetery survey for Ward B & North Point
  • Directional signs-S. Young obtained directional signs for Bass Lake & 11 Mile Rds, Bass Lake & 12 Mile Rds, 12 Mile & Boschem Rds (signage to M-55), and Charlie Young installed them today (Nov 16th)
  •             Heritage Bay paving project: $171,615.95 Elk Twp costs  
      J. Fairbanks discussed a shovel ready project for 6 mile road: $13,100
    Allied Waste-we pay $68/mo for a dumpster which is rarely ever used: J. Fairbanks-motion to get rid of Allied Waste dumpster, S. Young seconded; all in favor
     Lots of good discussion with the audience participation! Thanks all of Elk Township for a great election & a great meeting!
    Next meeting: December 13th @ 7pm, same place...

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