Thursday, March 15, 2012

Regular Meeting for March 2012...unofficial minutes

March 13, 2012

Douglas Mann, supervisor, offered a prayer for guidance at 7pm
He then called the meeting to order with Clerk, Vicki Gates, leading the Pledge of Allegiance
Members present:         
                                                Douglas Mann, Supervisor
                                                Vicki Gates, Clerk
                                                Carol Draper, Treasurer
                                                Sharon Young, Trustee
Members absent:            John Fairbanks, Trustee

Public Comments for future consideration-none

C. Draper-motion to approve February 14, 2012 minutes, S. Young-seconded; all in favor

Treasurer’s Report-C. Draper (attached): S. Young-motion to accept the treasurer’s report, V. Gates seconded; all in favor; treasurer would like to roll over PNC CD into another CD with same bank, D. Mann would like to see the monies invested with Lake Osceola State Bank, but suggested the treasurer be allowed the decision

Clerk’s Report-V. Gates (attached): S. Young-motion to approve the bills, C. Draper seconded; all in favor
C. Draper-motion to approve the amendment for the cemetery budget, S. Young seconded; all in favor              
Correspondence: none
Dignitary Reports
·         Fire Dept- given by Marilyn Zdebski (attached); April 7th will see an Easter Egg Hunt hosted by the Fire Fighters at Skinner Park; V. Gates-motion to accept Elk Township Fire Board representatives, S. Young seconded; all in favor:
Marilyn Zdebski
Lou Fitz
Jack Hankiewicz
Sharon Puff, alternate
·         Assessor-Bob Englebrecht spoke briefly about the overall assessed value decreasing approximately 4 ¾%, and the taxable valuation staying the same; there will be another Board of Review Appeals Hearing on March 17, 2012 @ 3-6pm & 7-9pm
·         Cemetery- S.Young, liaison: there will be a cemetery meeting May 7, 2012 @ Elk @ 3pm

Supervisor-D. Mann:  Jim Abbott has made 3 more “Yellow Bag Boxes” volunteering his labor, and we would welcome placement suggestions; there is a Budget Workshop scheduled March 15th @10am, and the Budget Hearing with the Annual Meeting scheduled for March 31, 2012 @ 10am; a big thanks goes out to J. Fairbanks for the installation of handrails

Trustees-S. Young: will check with Charlie Young regarding Wilcox Engineering and any work scheduled for the “sink hole”; there will be a Township Association Meeting @ Sauble, April 26, 2012 @ 7:30pm; thanks goes out to the Road Commission for all the clean up after the big storm

Action Items
·         Extension of the Assessor’s Contract-S. Young-motion to accept Bob Englebrecht’s contract for 2 years, V. Gates seconded; all in favor
·         Sauble Recycling Program-S. Young-motion to accept a 2 year agreement for a joint recycling program with Sauble twp for $3,000 each year, and a request for Sauble to keep statistics whenever possible of who uses the program, V. Gates seconded; all in favor (note: Sauble recycling is from 12-4pm on Saturday)…S. Young suggested to put a notice in Bulletin Board News

Old Business
·         D. Mann will look into ideas for parking lot modifications
·         Installation of new front entrance & keyless entry was put on hold until J. Fairbanks can report

New Business
·         D. Mann will look into language for renewal of the Road millage

Public Comment-good idea to replace the doors

C. Draper-motion to adjourn, S. Young seconded; all in favor

Respectfully submitted,

Vicki Gates, Clerk

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