Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Yellow Bag Drop Boxes, Dropped off...

A huge Thanks goes out to Jim Abbott & those who helped him drop off the Yellow Bag Drop Boxes. These may be used by anyone wishing to contain their yellow bags so the animals don't rip them up by the time Allied Waste comes to dispose of them:

The first one is Granger Rd south of 10 1/2 Mile Rd and is being used regularly.
The second one is in the K & K parking lot at 10 1/2 Mile Rd and Bass Lake Rds.
The third is on the SE corner of Bass lake and 8 Mile Rds.
The fourth is a about 100 yards south of 9 mile on Johnson Rd near the the sand pit sign.

Allied Waste has been notified of the locations and has issued an order for the drivers to pick up at these four locations.

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