Thursday, December 10, 2009

Building Plans go forward for a new office building

December 8, 2009

Pledge began at 7 pm with all board members present except for Marilyn VanVleet whose deputy clerk sat in to take notes.

Motion by J. Fairbanks to approve the November minutes, seconded by F. Arquette; approved.

Treasurer’s Report by C.Draper:
Motion by L.VanDolsen to accept treasurer’s report, F. Arquette seconded; approved.

No Assessor’s report.

No Clerk’s report.

No Commissioner’s report.

No Cemetery report.

Fire Board report by C. Draper:
200 total runs for the yr.

A Training Academy has begun in Baldwin for the county, and the first training will start on Jan. 10, 2010.
A chief's wish list has been presented to the fire board.

Citizens Advisory Committee report by L.Fitz:
This committee has finalized and made available 2 reports to the twp board on planning, and road safety. These two topics will be discussed under Old Business. Next mtg will be 1/4/10 at 2pm.

Supervisor report by L.VanDolsen:
L. VanDolsen & J. Fairbanks met with the road commission for a hour and 1/2 to discuss road concerns and future plans. L.VanDolsen gave permission for survey of parts of Granger Rd (at the S curve) in order to entertain the possible paving of Granger Rd from the Y to Dewitt Bridge.

Some discussion concerning the bus stop at Bass Lake Rd & 11 Mile Rd at the Turner Rd intersection. L.VanDolsen charged the CAC to investigate this intersection and possible safety concern with the multiple bus stops and report back to board.
Discussion considering widening the curve @ Hamilton Rd between 11 & 12 Mile Rds; the road commission is also considering putting up reflectors at this spot.

Correspondence: None

Public comment:
Jackie McKellar read a letter from John Gorys detailing his concerns about the new building.

Lou Fitz shared some of his concerns in a letter to the board concerning a new building.
Vicki Gates shared her concerns primarily with Michigan Compiled Law concerning new building construction.
Sharon Puff read a letter from Marilyn Zdebski sharing some concerns with a new building project.

Under Old Biz:
Bids on a new furnace:

Custom Sheet Metal total bid $4,425 for a 93% efficient furnace, with an additional $500 to move the furnace into the kitchen area.
Jack VanMaanen total bid $3960 for a 95% efficient furnace.
F.Arquette made a motion for the board to hold off on this vote until next month in order to have a full board, L.VanDolsen seconded, and motion passed.

Scheduling of public hearing on the Midget Lake SAD:
Set for Jan. 16, 2010 at the town hall at 10am. It is the board's understanding that 98% of the homeowners are in agreement with a SAD.

Proposed township office building:
J.Fairbanks discussed the "rough numbers" for a new office building.
L.VanDolsen mentioned again this month that "this building won't take the weight" although this has never been proven by professionals. She also seemed to reverse herself when she said both,
"A new building would serve the needs of the community" and "This area will grow some day but probably not for a long, long time."
C.Draper said she is "disappointed with all the negativity" and suggested to table this issue.
J.Fairbanks said a "hydronically heated floor could be kept at 60 degree with a computer program to heat things up."
J.Fairbanks further stated he would like people to help "us" think of how we can get this building built. He admitted that these costs do not include septic, well, or excavation costs. He seems to have forgotten that these costs were included in the previous building plan, so his "savings" are not complete figures.
L.VanDolsen asked how much more input would be needed for such a basic structure.
J.Fairbanks replied that this is not brain surgery.
L.VanDolsen made motion to authorize J.Fairbanks to submit his draft drawings to Mr. Peterson (a licensed engineer) to assess costs for his services in providing stamped drawings and overseeing such a building project, C.Draper seconded, and motion passed.
J.Fairbanks said he would have this done by next meeting.

New Business:
CAC recommendations:
Land use objectives:
L.VanDolsen liked the inherent bias toward environmental concerns, but would like to see more pinpointed objectives between residential and commercial properties.
Roads & Safety:
L.VanDolsen agreed with the recommendations of the CAC concerning brining.

Public Comment-None

Motion to adjourn was seconded, and passed.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


November 10, 2009

Pledge began at 7 pm with all board members present except for Marilyn VanVleet whose deputy clerk sat in to take notes.

Motion by F.Arquette to approve the October minutes with corrections, seconded by C.Draper; approved.


Treasurer’s Report by C.Draper:

Motion by L.VanDolsen to accept treasurer’s report, J.Fairbanks seconded; approved.

Assessor’s report by L.VanDolsen:

Last year’s SEV was increased 4.8% across the board by the State of Michigan, although the assessor was able to give 95% of residential properties a 2% decrease in the SEV. This year, the State is showing a decrease in the SEV across the board.

Clerk’s report: None

Commissioner’s report by P.Maiville:

No county budget yet; county savings still down; county employees’ hours still down; lead found in ground water north of the prison.

Cemetery report: None

Fire Board report by M.Zdebski:

182 total runs for the yr, and currently 20 runs for Sept 15-Oct 15. The thermal imaging device is in service for detecting hot spots.

Custom Heating & Cooling finished installing furnaces at Station 1.

Citizens Advisory Committee report by L.Fitz:

This committee has finalized and made available 4 reports to the twp board on planning, road safety, trash day, and lack of stimulus monies for governmental bodies in rural areas.

Next mtg will be 11/16/09 at 2pm.

Supervisor report by L.VanDolsen:

One new alternate for board of review was sworn in.

Kevin Walsh has alerted the board of a change from condo development to platted development in the land on 8 mile rd at the top of Charnes’ hill.

Midget Lake homeowners would like SAD (Special Assessment District) process begun now as most of their property owners are year around residents, and the permits from DEQ take so long to obtain.

VanDolsen’s conference on SAD in Tustin was well attended and very informative. It seems SAD is often used by smaller townships to offset the costs of infrastructure renovations.

Correspondence: None

Public comment:

Barb Maiville requests signage on 11 mile rd for school bus stops.

F.Arquette made motion to purchase signage with county recommendations to be placed at above location by county, C.Draper seconded; passed.

Phil Maiville reports that Luther corners are now straightened out.

Under Old Biz:

· Contract bid accepted from Pete Shakinas for lawn care, and cemetery upkeep; Steve Riggs for snowplowing; Action Pest Control for monthly pest control; and Susan Piper’s 2 yr contract was affirmed for her second yr.

· Bids on the new furnace and installation were obtained from Custom Sheet Metal & VanMannen Heating. The consensus of the board was to set aside these bids for clarification.

· Request from assessor to replace our 11 year old, laser printer as the quality is deteriorating. J.Fairbanks made motion to purchase a Brother black & white, laser printer which holds a ream of paper for Jackpine’s price of $299.97, seconded by F.Arquette; passed.

Under New Biz:

· Reports from the Citizen’s Advisory Committee:

Trash Day-L.VanDolsen will investigate sources given for volunteers & personnel to assist in a one day, one site trash day in July.

Road Safety-L.VanDolsen would like to meet with Charlie Young, of the road commission, to develop Elk twps wish list for road work; J.Fairbanks stated he would accompany VanDolsen. J.Fairbanks made motion for L.VanDolsen to set up a meeting with C.Young of the road commission, F.Arquette seconded; passed.

Planning-accepted with excerpts read to audience.

· New office building:

A new board is once again delving into the quagmire of thinking that they will be able to build an office building to suit the needs of this community on a shoestring budget. This time around, J.Fairbanks (who ran for office with the desire to stop frivolous spending), has drawn up plans for a post & beam 40 x 28 separate building, not to be tied into the old structure which will (according to initial plans) be retained for meetings and artifacts. This building will host 4 offices, a single unisex bathroom, records room, mechanical room, and a space for a small kitchen area and waiting room (with a cathedral ceiling). His idea is for a green office building sporting electrical hydronic floor system, on demand electrical water heaters, and electric furnace. His materials & permits costs would be $30,977.54 without any labor.

After much discussion which included a desire for town hall meetings where everyone could drink coffee and margueritas, it was concluded that more discussion was needed before a discussion could take place.

Public Comment-

Vicki Gates suggested to the board that they review what projects could be funded by the monies collected by millage for the road fund.

Phil Maiville suggested using portable partitions for offices if indeed a new building was built.

Motion to adjourn was seconded, and passed at 9:20pm.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

October 13, 2009 Regular Meeting

October 13, 2009

Pledge began at 7 pm with all board members present. Again quite a crowd of citizens were also present.

Motion by F.Arquette to approve minutes of September 8, ’09 with correction, seconded by J.Fairbanks, and approved.


Treasurer’s Report by C.Draper:

90% of all summer taxes and SAD (special assessment district) for Big Bass Lake collected.

Dates & office hrs given:

Dec. 1, ’09 winter taxes due

Dec. 31, ’09 office hrs to pay taxes

Feb. 14, ’09 last day to pay summer taxes without penalty

March 1, ’09 last day to pay winter taxes without penalty

Motion by L.VanDolsen to give C.Draper permission to combine West Shore CD with Money Market seconded and passed.

Motion by L.VanDolsen to accept treasurer’s report, J.Fairbanks seconded, and approved.

Assessor’s report by Bob Engelbrecht:

The principal residence exemption (aka homestead exemption) is audited on an annual basis. If the state contacts people concerning this exemption, it is not a good idea to ignore them. This could lead to the state dropping the exemption for that homeowner.

Clerk’s report: None

Commissioner’s report by P.Maiville:

The county has cut employee hours in an effort to retain all the employees. The county has no revenue sharing from the state and they are still in the hole. He also reported that Turner Rd has a dead end road sign installed from the road commission.

Cemetery report: None

Fire Board report by M.Zdebski:

162 total runs for the yr, and currently 15 runs for Oct.

The thermal imaging device is in service for detecting hot spots.

Custom Heating & Cooling got the bid for the furnaces.

The fire dept has been involved in numerous community activities.

We now have two certified American Heart Association instructors for CPR.

A fire academy for Lake County has been started by an in-house, State instructor from Sauble-Elk-Eden twps fire dept.

Citizens Advisory Committee report by L.Fitz:

This committee has met twice with good progress on all charges from the board, and they will meet again Oct. 19, ’09.

Supervisor report: None

Correspondence: None

Public comment:

M.Zdebski passed on a request from the fire chief for everyone to check their fire places, chimneys & heating devices.

Under Old Biz:

· BS&A continues-Motion made by L.VanDolsen to order service for BS&A software at a cost of $460 for treasurer and $1065 for the assessor, seconded by M.VanVleet and passed.

Note: the assessor’s portion should be picked up by the twp because the state is mandating it. This bill is usually paid in April.

· Signage still needed for Turner rd.

F.Arquette requests fluorescent signs be used for updated street signs.

· Contract bids- L.VanDolsen feels that if the board is happy with the current contracted services, they could save money by not advertising in the paper. The board concurred with the understanding that bids will be accepted for services, but not advertised in the paper. Currently services are provided by:

Snowplowing-Steve Riggs

Cleaning-Susan Piper at $50/time

Pest control-Action Pest

Lawn/cemetery-Peter Shakinas at $10/hr

Under New Biz:

· Midget Lake petition for SAD for aquatic weed control-

Ray Danders represented Midget Lake Association. They are having problems with pragmites, a non-native species of aquatic weed. They collected $2700 this year to enable Professional Lake Management to treat the noxious weed. They have signed petitions for over 70% of the lake owners. L.VanDolsen acknowledged receipt of petitions from R.Danders for Midget Lake proposal for SAD. The board’s consensus was to wait until spring.

· Handicap retrofit for bathrooms-

Motion made by F.Arquette to go forth with grab bars and elevated toilet seat lids with J.Fairbanks installing, seconded by C.Draper, and passed. C.Draper amended motion to replace toilet with a new ADA approved toilet (no second).

· Furnace repair/replace-

Jack VanMannen inspected the current furnace and deemed it illegal so he will not repair it (gas line is not supported amongst other things). The current furnace is a mobile home furnace from by gone days.

Motion made by C.Draper to publish bids in the Lake County Star for the purpose of replacing the existing furnace, F.Arquette seconded, and it passed.

Motion made by L.VanDolsen to contact Custom Sheet Metal and Jack VanMannen to invite their bids for furnace replacement, M.VanVleet seconded, and it passed.

· Road Signage for private roads-

Motion made by C.Draper to provide private road signs for existing roads if requested, with the understanding that the person requesting such will be responsible for placing the signs, seconded by J.Fairbanks, passed with F.Arquette & M.VanVleet abstaining.

Note: 4 out of the 5 board members live on private raods.

· Exterior cleaning of the twp hall-

Discussion tabled until spring.

· Township hall renovation-

J.Fairbanks wants to build a small office building. He thinks it could be built for less than $50,000.

L.VanDolsen suggests we need a development plan for future times as well as this year.

C.Draper suggests we think in practicalities.

After much discussion which provided citizens with a strong sense of de’javu, J.Fairbanks suggested he could do a drawing for the board’s review (post & beam construction).

Motion made by L.VanDolsen to charge J.Fairbanks to do a preliminary plan for office building to be reviewed at the Nov. 10th meeting, C.Draper seconded, and motion passed.

Note: this administration has been in office 10 months, and is already discussing building new buildings which voters clearly said they were not comfortable in building. L.VanDolsen specifically mentioned that the current twp hall will not support groups of people greater than 30, but the new building would be offices, not a meeting room. Furthermore, this same supervisor hosted a meeting of “Lake County Township Officer’s Association hosted at Elk twp was attended by about 40 people,” in September.


· Budget Workshop-

Scheduled for January 14, 2010 at 9am.

· L.VanDolsen signed up for a seminar for Oct. 16th, “Taking Charge of SAD” to be held in Tustin at a cost of $60.

Motion made by J.Fairbanks to pay for L.VanDolsen’s seminar, seconded by C.Draper and passed.

Public Comment-

Barb Maiville suggests a carbon monoxide detector for the twp hall.

Vicki Gates mentioned signs in the shed. L.VanDolsen inventoried signs and gave a list to L.Fitz at the mtg today.

Johnel Buckingham had comments related to a renovation of the twp hall. She made mention that the first order of business in any personal building project is usually to decide how much funding you have available. This administration is going ahead with building plans without knowing how much this will cost. L.VanDolsen interrupted to say that the board has decided to check on the price of J.Fairbank’s building first. J.Fairbanks asked the board to see how the audience felt, but this avenue was not pursued.

Motion to adjourn was seconded, and passed at 8:48pm.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

September 8, 2009 Regular Meeting

September 8, 2009

Pledge began at the better time of 7 pm with all board members present. Quite a crowd of citizens were also present.
Approval of August 11th minutes offered by Arquette, seconded by VanDolsen and passed by all.

Treasurer’s Report accepted in motion by VanVleet, with VanDolsen seconding, and passed by all.
Assessor’s report given by Bob Engelbrecht:
BS & A software was adopted by the previous board because it was “the only game in town” and at the time was necessary to be compatible with the rest of the county. Now there is a new software called .net (DotNet). The BS&A software is still the best software tool for an assessor of small twps, but it looks like the county will be going with the .net (DotNet) system. Engelbrecht has been told that the systems are compatible, so he recommends staying with the current system (new system would be $3,900 + annual support costs).
No Clerk’s report.
Cemetery Report offered by Marilyn VanVleet:
The cemetery board met as a whole to check out the cemetery, and decided that the first priority was to get the trees trimmed and get the dead ones out. They need Elk twp board approval, so VanDolsen made a motion to allow the cemetery board to get work done on the trees on a volunteer basis, Arquette seconded, and motion was passed by all.
Commissioner Maiville reported that Michigan was picked as one of seven most productive states for wind power; MI state extension directorship will be spread out between Newago & Lake counties.
Marilyn Zdebski, fire board chairman, gave report:
Bids will be taken for snowplowing station #1, and heating for the stations. Thermo imaging equipment has been purchased and will be on display during the Oct Fire Prevention week, also during this time Carol Burba will be checking child restraint seats as desired by parents (she has had extensive training).
Citizen’s Advisory Committee report by Lou Fitz: this committee has met only once due to the holiday and the next mtg will be Sept 21st at 2pm at the twp hall (this is an open mtg).
No Supervisor’s report.
No correspondence.

Under Old Biz:
Turner Road Signage-each twp is responsible for signage according to the Lake Cty Road Commission, but they have agreed to put up a sign at Turner Rd if Elk twp will purchase such.

Under New Biz:
Millage Winter Taxes-the L4029 is due Oct. 1st (this form is a tax rate request). VanDolsen suggested keeping the millage rates static although the operating millage has not kept pace with inflation and currently is well below the 1 mill rate voted upon ?????
LCTOA-Lake County Township Officer’s Association hosted at Elk twp was attended by about 40 people. There was discussion at that open meeting concerning assessors being employers of the twp vs. independent. It was mutually agreed that twp assessors acting on behalf of multiple twps would be treated independently.
BS & A Software-the treasurer’s portion of this software is free from the county although there is an annual tech support fee.

Public Comment-
Jackie McKellar asked about tree trimming liability-twp covers.
Arquette mentioned a list she compiled with cty agencies (nicely done).
Marilyn Zdebski discussed Turner rd, since the cty changed the rd to take out the curve, it seems that the cty should be responsible for signage, including a road ending sign.
Phil Maiville also believes it is the Road Commission’s responsibility to direct traffic & put up signs for Turner rd.
Arquette would like an agenda discussion item next month concerning private road signs & outside work on the twp hall.
VanDolsen stated she would inventory signs in the shed and discuss ways of getting them installed.
Marilyn Zdebski discussed stimulus monies and grants.
VanDolsen amended agenda to vote on contract bids:
Arquette made motion to put an ad in the Star for bids concerning snowplow & sidewalk snow removal, cleaning service, pest control, and lawn care; seconded by Draper, and passed.

Motion to adjourn was seconded, and passed.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Regular Meeting Time Changed to 7pm

July 14, 2009

Pledge began at 5 pm with all board members present. 14 citizens were also present along with the township assessor.
Approval of June 9th minutes offered by Fairbanks, seconded and passed by all board members.
Arquette made motion to accept open forum minutes of June 9th, seconded and passed.

Treasurer’s Report accepted in motion by VanVleet, with VanDolsen seconding, and passed by all present.
Bob Engelbrecht, assessor, reported that there is one tax tribunal pending.
No Clerk report.
Super report:
o Gerald Seymour was sworn in as an alternate for Board of Review and an election worker.
o Lp costs for the year discussed, and VanDolsen made motion to prepay Lp at $1.69 from Irons Bottle Gas, seconded and approved.
o Next year’s revenue sharing will be cut again approx 4.9%, and PILT (payment in lieu of taxes) will be cut 20%.
o June 20th found VanDolsen meeting with Ron Monroe, from DNR, and Big Bass Lake Assn. to discuss renovations/ improvements to the public access on Big Bass Lake (up to 9 new parking sites may be added).
o VanDolsen met with Aquatic Drs on June 2nd; they will be doing another lake treatment on Bass Lake end of July.

Marilyn Zdebski, fire board chairman, report:
o 126 total runs for the current year.
o Martha Misener, fire board treasurer, has resigned and Draper took over as an elected treasurer for the fire dept.
o Fire Dept staffed first aid booth at the Flea Roast on a volunteer basis.
o There will be a FREE blood pressure clinic on the 1st Sat of every month at the station in Irons.
o Great Lakes Energy gave a grant of $1200 for a thermal imaging device.
o Fireman’s Ball is Aug. 1st at the IATA (Flea Roast site).
o Chief Elenbaas has requested public not burn during windy days.

No correspondence.

Public Comment:
Jackie McKellar dislikes the meeting time of 5pm and requested the board take an informal vote of those present as to a change of time (9 citizens would like it changed back to original time of 7pm). She further asked about brining as there is not much on 11 ½ mile rd.
Sharon Puff stated there is only spotty brining on River rd.
Ann Chase addressed an alternative solution for the milfoil problem on Big Bass Lake, that of a naturally occurring weevil. There are thousands of feet of undeveloped shoreline where these weevils can survive. Chase made it clear she was not criticizing the board because they acted in good faith, but is still concerned about lack of information. What oversight does the board have? VanDolsen replied that the board’s responsibility is to collect the fee & monitor the contract.
Charlie Stegmeyer would like to see postings at K & K again.

Old Biz:
o Trash Day was successful with 9 dumpsters filled, and requests for more trash days in the future.

New Biz:
o Expansion of Public Access-this is in Sauble twp so we do not have any jurisdiction. Fairbanks stated he would be willing to work on a letter to the state requesting no further expansion of the access since the lake is so busy. VanDolsen said she would work on a letter to Sauble.
o Dissolution of the CAC (Citizen’s Advisory Committee)-Arquette made a motion to dissolve the CAC, VanVleet seconded…on to discussion:
Arquette would like to see this committee broken up
Draper disagreed with dissolving the committee because they are experienced and work well together.
Fairbanks agreed with Draper.
VanDolsen dislikes standing committees for government bodies because “they stifle diversity in the community”.
VanVleet would like to see the committee split apart and utilized on other committees.
Vote: Aye to dissolve: VanDolsen & VanVleet, Nays: Fairbanks, Arquette, Draper; therefore, the motion failed.
o Process for forming committees-Fairbanks disagrees with zoning and would like ordinances; VanDolsen would like to see 3-5 people on a planning committee; Fairbanks asked about the scope of such a committee.
o Committees to be formed-Draper suggested using the CAC for investigation of stimulus funds, trash days, planning/ zoning, and road safety/ maintenance. After much discussion of the scope and mission statements of committees, Fairbanks made a motion to appoint Vicki Gates and Sharon Puff to the CAC, VanDolsen seconded and it passed. Draper made a motion to charge the CAC to look into the above 4 ideas, VanDolsen seconded and it passed.
o Cemetery Board-formed with Beth Ruby, from Sauble, and Pete Shakinas and Phil VanVleet, from Elk, with Marilyn VanVleet overseeing. VanDolsen made motion for M. VanVleet to oversee cemetery board, Draper seconded and it passed. They are still looking for another volunteer from Sauble.
o Liability Insurance Renewal-Aug 1st due date.
Fairbanks made motion to approve insurance renewal, seconded and approved.

Commissioner’s Report by Phil Maiville:
Invitation to all Republicans and Democrats to attend the Democratic Picnic at the Senior Center, Sat, July 18th, from 3-5pm.
John Fairbanks has agreed to run for next term of commissioner in Maiville’s place.

Public Comments:
Jackie McKellar asked why the general fund is going down… Draper answered that income has decreased and interest rates have also gone down, while expenses have gone up.
Harry Mead discussed building renovations without money from the people.
Lou Fitz mentioned the CAC investigated grants in the past and there was no money for building twp halls although there is money to furnish such; he further recommended a liaison from the board to work with the CAC; and asked for the meeting time to be moved to 7pm.
Johnel Buckingham requested the board to move the meeting time.
Draper made a motion to change the meeting time to 7pm, seconded by Arquette, and approved with VanVleet voting against.

Arquette motioned to adjourn, seconded, and passed.

Friday, June 19, 2009



All board members present. About 12 twp citizens present.
Part 1: Township priorities.
Roads, roads, roads.
Overall twp improvement, including a park maybe on the north side of the present twp building adjacent to the river access; upgrading present twp hall in some form; reclamation of old gravel pits.
Big Bass Lake, including old septic tanks being subpar.

Part 2: Short and long term goals.
Lou Fitz suggested a 5 year and 10 year biz plan idea.
Doug Mann asked about police presence in the area.
Charlie Young mentioned a trash ordinance.
VanDolsen became very vocal concerning zoning and mentioned that it is ignorance that holds people back from zoning.

Part 3: Types of committees.
VanDolsen mentioned she liked ad hoc committees more than standing committees, and she would rather disband the Citizen Advisory Committee (CAC).
There will be a call for volunteers in the next newsletter going out with the tax statements, and any interested persons may contact VanDolsen (266-5201).
Committees discussed include road & safety, business planning, maintenance & beautification, cemetery, ordinance, and Board of Review.
Citizens do not necessarily need to be a resident except for the Board of Review (for which there is a need for 2 alternates).

Part 4: Structure of committees.
VanDolsen stated she would like a limited number of people on a committee with a definite time frame, although she agreed that a biz/planning committee should/could be a standing committee.

Part 5: other comments.
VanDolsen again represented the lone voice that the CAC should be dissolved.
VanVleet thought that the name should be changed because she feels the community looks down on the committee.
Arquette wants time to think about this idea of dissolving the CAC.
Fairbanks asked for a history of the CAC.
Lou Fitz responded succinctly that the CAC came about by a motion of the old board which created CAC to investigate the newly acquired property for the purpose of relocating the twp facilities; when the property in question was brought to a vote of the people, it was overwhelmingly voted to keep the twp hall on the current property; then the CAC was given a directive by the then current board to focus on the possibility of twp hall renovation.
Fairbanks mentioned in light of this information that the CAC should be kept intact regardless of the name as he doesn’t wish to alienate members of the community who wish to serve.
John Gorys suggested more people can be on any committee as alternated without voting privileges.
Fitz suggested that the board needs to define the scope and parameters of any committee before people commit to such committees.

Meeting adjourned.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

June 9, 2009...Regular Meeting

Pledge began at the new time of 5 pm with all only Linda VanDolsen, John Fairbanks, and Marilyn VanVleet present. 4 citizens were also present along with the county commissioner and his wife.
Approval of May 12th minutes offered by Fairbanks, seconded by VanDolsen and passed by all present.

Treasurer’s Report accepted in motion by Fairbanks, with VanDolsen seconding, and passed by all present.
Bob Engelbrecht, assessor, was absent.
No Clerk report.
Super report: special assessment district has been delivered and spraying was rescheduled for June 11th; June 13th will be an open forum for citizens and board; and trash day is July 11th .
Commissioner Maiville was the first one this year due to various illnesses and activities (welcome back Phil): June 25-28, 2009 will be the third annual West Michigan’s Longest Yard Sale; ambulance millage to be cut in half, then it will have to be voted on again; road commission short of money (who isn’t) and requests twps who are planning work to think about projects sooner rather than later.
Marilyn Zdebski, fire board chairman, gave report:
The chief, Tom Elenbaas, made an agreement with Wellston Lube to do MDOT inspections as needed; Elenbaas & Kristen will soon become certified CPR instructors; roof at St #1 needs to be repaired; Bob Robinson resigned from fire board as alternate for Elk Twp, and Martha Misener resigned from fire board treasurer; Zdebski suggested to the board that they review the Elk Twp representatives for fire board (M. Zdebski, Jack Hankewitcz, Carol Draper to be treasurer, and Corey VanFleet as alternate), and the fire board has voted not to purchase new radios at this time.
Super amended agenda to reflect an item in new business: vote on Carol Draper to be fire board treasurer.
Note per Fire Chief: Tom Elenbaas, burn permit #1.866.922.2876

No correspondence.

Under Old Biz:
Twp Newsletter on task to be mailed out with tax bills.

Under New Biz:
a) Motion to appoint elected official to be treasurer of fire board (Carol Draper) made by Fairbanks, seconded by VanDolsen, passed.
1) Osceola-Lake Conservation District household toxic and hazardous waste collection, October 10, 2009, down in Baldwin. Fairbanks made motion to give $200 donation, seconded by now present Draper, amended by VanVleet to donate $250, passed.
2) Irons Bottle Gas Budget Payment Program for township; this year’s budget would be less (?); Fairbanks thinks bids are a better way to do biz, VanDolsen will look into Fischer Bottle Gas and email elected officials.
3) Signage estimates for cemetery and twp boundaries, $30.60 + s&h for a 12 x 18 sign for cemetery to replace sign. Motion made by Draper, seconded by VanVleet, passed. Rest of signage will wait.
4) Volunteers for Trash Day, July 11th, anyone interested talk to VanDolsen (might have more citizens with a different mtg time); Fairbanks volunteered, VanDolsen volunteered, Zdebski said she might be able to, Draper volunteered; Vicki Gates suggested asking the fire chief for volunteers.

Public Comments were given including wishes of residents to see the meeting time changed.
Lou Fitz mentioned conflict that ensues every year when trash day is scheduled for the second Sat in July. VanDolsen said they will look into changing day for next year; VanVleet mentioned that it would be better in June since so many people come up on Memorial Day to clean up.
Fitz also mentioned he would promote twp boundary signs.
Fitz asked about road brining and VanDolsen said she spoke with the rd commission and they said they had a contract to spot brine early in the season (which they did and then it rained), then they will do a full brining at a later date.

Fairbanks motioned to adjourn, seconded, and passed.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Elk Twp ORV

Just a note that Elk Twp remains closed to ORV traffic except for Brooks Rd from 9 mile to 12 mile because Eden Twp opened this road and traffic must be allowed to travel on both sides.

Violations of the ORV ordinance could cost users a minimum of $250 in direct fines and could be more with court costs.

In other townships, every ORV must have a trail permit, even if riders don't plan to ride the trails.

According to the Lake County Star, May 21st issue, roughly half of Lake County remains closed to ORV riders, including Sweetwater, Cherry Valley, Yates, Pleasant Plains, Lake, Webber and Elk. Sauble twp has two roads open to ORV riders. US 10 and M-37 are closed to ORV use and indeed were never under discussion for ORV travel. All US Forest Service and DNR tracks and trails remain closed to ORV traffic.

If you or someone you know plans to ride ORVs in Lake County, make sure the responsible driver obtains a map for ORV usage. Happy Trails!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

May 12, 2009

Pledge began at the new time of 5 pm with all officers present and only 4 citizens.
Approval of March 28th minutes offered by John Fairbanks, seconded by Frances Arquette and passed by all.
Frances Arquette made motion to accept April 25th, SAD mtg minutes, seconded by Fairbanks and passed unanimously.
Arquette also motioned to accept April 25th special meeting minutes, seconded by Carol Draper, and passed unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report accepted in motion by Marilyn VanVleet, with Arquette seconding, and passed by all. This treasurer’s report by Draper included mentioning that we are down to 1.2% interest at West Shore Bank for a $35,000 CD, and another CD was rolled into the general fund account. The general fund holds a total of $239,998.19; the road fund holds a total of $81,744.77; and the cemetery fund holds a total of $9,474.28; this makes Elk Twp Total balance=$331,217.24. Draper further reported that revenue sharing will be cut by the state of Michigan.
Linda VanDolsen made motion to transfer the balance in the general fund, $81,744.77, to a money market fund account in order to draw additional interest, Arquette seconded, and passed by 5 yeas, 0 nays.
Bob Engelbrecht, assessor, gave report which referred to the packets given to the board for their review, and asked for feedback. Engelbrecht mentioned that he tries to assess the township every 5 years, so he reassesses about 20% per year.
No report by Marilyn VanVleet, Clerk.
Commissioner was absent.
Marilyn Zdebski, fire board chairman, gave report:
Total runs as of April 20, 2009: 76 (9 medical, 3 fire alarms, 4 grass fires, 1 chimney/structure fires, and 1 mutual aid with Norman Twp)
Zdebski mentioned the burn permit # which is needed to burn anything out-of-doors unless there is snow on the ground.
Burn Permit signs will be put up at each township hall as permitted.
Fire Dept put on an Easter Egg Hunt on April 11th which was a success.
Fire Dept will have a presence at the Flea Roast/Ox Market for first aid and fireworks safety.
She further stated that the furnace at the Bass Lake Station (#1) has been shut off because of damage to the pipe due to snow. It has been temporarily patched until bids can be advertised.
The Fire Chief and Medical Officer are in training to become CPR instructors.
Note per Fire Chief: Tom Elenbaas, burn permit

Linda VanDolsen has a long supervisor’s report (as usual):
Elk Twp was not on the “list” of twp association so we were not notified about grants. Oops!
No new info on ORV although it was mentioned that the County Board of Commissioners is about to enact an ordinance which they have no way of funding. VanDolsen suggested that people call the sheriffs dept when they see ORV violations and the Lake County Road Commission when they see road damage.

Under Correspondence:
Idlewild Music Fest, July 10-11th 
Thank you note from LMWCC (Little Manistee Watershed Conservation Council)
Under Old Biz:
ORV issue- The County Commissioners will be voting Wed, 1:30pm
Arquette suggested talking with Gary Oetman about signage for Eden/Elk boundaries.
Twp Newsletter- to be mailed with tax statements at the end of June. Suggestions to include: 1) Explanation of poverty exemption, 2) Trash Day date of July 11th, 9-2pm, 3) Twp board office hours, meeting dates and time, 4) ORV policy for Elk Twp, 5) tax deferment options
Approval of amended BBLSAD (Big Bass Lake Special Assessment District), Resolution 4- Fairbanks made motion to approve amendments and changes to the BBLSAD which was drafted by an attorney and the amendments approved/okayed by word of mouth, seconded by Arquette, and passed unanimously.
Bob Engelbrecht asked for a list of SAD
Arquette asked Zdebski about the Sauble Twp mtg she attended; it was Zdebski’s understanding that a donation will be made by Sauble Twp for their 28 properties on Big Bass Lake.
Aquatic Drs. Contract- Arquette made motion to accept the 6 year contract with Aquatic Drs., VanDolsen seconded, and it passed with 4 yes, and 1 no (Fairbanks).

Under New Biz:
FOIA (Freedom Of Information Act)- board decided to use the previous board’s procedures, and Fairbanks made motion to charge clerk to be the FOIA Coordinator, VanDolsen seconded, and it passed unanimously.
2) Revenue Sharing- 4.8% cut from the State.
3) MTA seminars/workshops- Arquette made motion to approve Draper & VanVleet to go to workshop and have mileage covered to Gaylord, seconded by Fairbanks, and unanimously approved.
4) Formation of Committees- Fairbanks suggested an open forum mtg in June to discuss some ideas with citizens, and a suggestion was made to put the idea of committees in the newsletter. Possible committees would include, but not be limited to, roads, redevelopment of twp site/property, cemetery, historical archives/preservation, grant funding.
5) Mason Cty Gravel Pit- Fairbanks would like to open discussion with Mason Cty, but does not want to rock the boat concerning the gravel pit on Mack Rd.
6) Lake County Twp Officials Association- to be hosted at Elk twp on Aug 27, 2009 at 7:30pm

Various Public Comments were given including wishes of residents and taxpayers to see the meeting time changed by to 7pm. Interesting note was that as many citizens came for a 7:00 meeting as attended the 5:00 meeting.
Marilyn Zdebski asked to have in the twp newsletter that golf carts are not covered under the ORV policy and do not belong on any roads. She also noted that the Blessing of the Bikes is this next weekend.
Lou Fitz asked the board to allow for another public comment on the agenda. He mentioned that the twp paid the same for road brining, but we are not getting the same service. He further suggested that the new meeting time is ineffective for citizens and questioned the board’s reasons for the alteration.

VanDolsen made a motion to have an additional public comment after the Pledge of Allegiance as well as at the end of the mtg, Draper seconded, and it passed unanimously.
Fairbanks made a motion to hold an open forum mtg on June 13th, at 10am (this is a Saturday), Arquette seconded, and motion passed unanimously.

Arquette motioned to adjourn, seconded by Draper, passed!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Second SAD Meeting-April 25, 2009

The meeting was called to order at 10 am with all members present. There was 17 members of the public and the township assessor. The minutes of the special meeting held on March 28 were approved. VanDolsen gave a brief review of the March 28 meeting. She referred to Fairbanks' question on competitive bidding. VanDolsen advised that a bill was passed about six years ago requiring competitive bidding, however, it was repealed six months after passage and townships are now only required to request competitive bidding if federal funds are being used.
ValDolsen reviewed the cost per acre by the company provided the bid (Aquatic Doctor) and compared it to the cost by the company currently treating Harper Lake. According to her assessment the bid for Big Bass Lake is lower cost per acre.
VanDolsen advised that the purpose of the public hearing April 25 is to validate and affirm the assessment role. She reported there have been three additional objections filed. They were submitted by Robert and Barbara Robinson, Keith Zimmerman and spouse, and Dave and Carol Means. They were read. VanDolsen opened the meeting to public discussion. Charles Young said that once a lake has a public access you a re stuck with whatever it brings. The DNR and State will not assist in any way for anything in the lake . Previously planting of minnows, reducing the size limit on bass due to a disease, etc. have been refused. There was discussion about the affect on well and the difference in the resolution from the petition in years and amount. Brian Gerhartstein asked if the people got the opportunity to vote on how the lake will be treated. Also asked for clarification about Sauble Township owners right to object and requirement to pay. He suggested use of beetles as less invasive treatment. Also discussed was whether property owners with easement to the lake will be included. They are not.
Resolution 4 on approval of the assessment role was read in its entirety. Specifically it states that the process as approved is fair, just and equitable. The SAD fee will be added to the summer tax bill and due by September 15 of each year. Motion was made and seconded. Fairbanks raised concern that the contract does not include a total amount for the project. VanDolsen responded that it can't be determined what the amount will be because the bid includes a variance and range of charges for the first year. The contract was not presented for approval by the Board at this meeting. Fairbanks raised question about cutting (mowing) and treating with weevils and feels this would be a better alternative than chemical treatment. Vote on the motion was called and Resolution 4 on approval of the assessment role was approved unanimously.
Meeting adjourned at 11:35 a.m.
Following this meeting there was a notice posted on April 22 for an additional special meeting to discuss a change in the ORV map and route for Elk Township, receive input from business owners (Kammeraad's and the Boat House), and review of a draft of a county ordinance by the board. In discussion, it was determined that Brooks Road from 10 1/2 mile north will be opened since Eden Township has approved the ORV ordinance. Therefore, no action is required of Elk Township since if one township opens one side of the road, the other side is automatically also opened. No action was necessary.

This post was courtesy of Barb Robinson, Elk Twp Resident

Saturday, April 4, 2009

March 28, 2009

Annual Budget Hearing for 28 March 2009


Pledge of Allegiance

Roll call- all present

Linda VanDolsen, Supervisor, explained the ’09-’10 budget

Public Comments:
Concerns voiced about budget outlay & consolidation of line items, especially the twp board expenses. It is difficult to see who spends what.

VanDolsen explained the ’08-’09 passed Board budget which was not approved until the new board took office (Dec 08). VanDolsen admitted that this is just approval of an OLD piece of paper regardless of its accuracy.

Francis Arquette made a motion to accept ’09-’10 amended budget, VanDolsen seconded, and motion passed unanimously.

Salary Resolutions:
Trustees-remain the same at $75/diem + meals and travel when approved by board vote
Carol Draper made motion to accept such resolution, VanDolsen seconded, and motion passed unanimously.
At this time to Board was reminded that this is the public’s meeting which allows the public to vote on salaried board members including Supervisor, Clerk, and Treasurer.

Treasurer-Lou Fitz made motion to accept the same yearly salary of $11,500, Vicki Gates seconded, and motion passed with 13 yes votes and 0 no votes.

Clerk-Barb Robinson made motion to accept the same yearly salary of $9,500, Johnel Buckingham seconded, and motion passed with 13 yes votes and 0 no votes.

Supervisor-Vicki Gates made motion to keep salary at $7,500 per year, Barb Robinson seconded, and motion passed 9 yes – 5 no.

Millage changes need to be verified as the voters voted in fall ’08 to continue a fire millage of 1 mill, and a road millage of .5 mill.

Adjourn to Annual Meeting following a short break.

March 28, 2009

Annual Meeting for Elk Township

Last year’s annual mtg minutes read by VanDolsen.
Draper moved to accept/approve the minutes, after a second, they were unanimously approved/accepted.
Arquette made motion to accept amended March minutes, VanDolsen seconded, and motion unanimously passed.
Treasurer gave report on maturing Cds which she thinks we would be better served to reinvest in Grand Valley Community Credit Union which is very stable.
Marilyn VanVleet made motion to roll Cd over to Grand Valley CU, Arquette seconded, and motion passed.
VanVleet made motion to accept treasurer’s report, Arquette seconded, and motion passed.
Time & dates of meetings were discussed as seconded Tues of each month at 5pm (a new time), with annual meeting on March 27th at 10am (new time), and no April meeting.
VanDolsen made motion to accept calendar as offered, Arquette seconded, and motion passed unanimously.

VanDolsen shared the State of the Township for each Board member:
Draper, Treasurer, mentioned financially we are fine with 92% of winter taxes collected, and revenue sharing will remain the same as last year from the state of Michigan.
VanVleet thinks finally the twp is getting on the right track, especially in regards to the accounting software PeachTree.
Arquette complimented VanDolsen on working with the Bass Lake Assn in regards to the Eurasian Milfoil, and feels the board is doing well.
John Fairbanks said, “Ditto.”
VanDolsen appreciated working with the board on the budget and complimented Draper on her work as treasurer.

Software Expense-VanVleet stated the auditor requested to upgrade PeachTree for $461 and hopes to save about $3,000/ yr on employee payroll.
Arquette made motion to reimburse VanVleet $461 for PeachTree, VanDolsen seconded, and motion passed unanimously.

Anti-Virus-Draper stated she will donate Norton ’09 for treasurer’s laptop, and VanDolsen said she will check out different antivirus protection availability.
VanDolsen moved to spend $80 for up to date Norton Anti-Virus, Fairbanks seconded, and motion passed unanimously.

Official Elk Twp Website-VanDolsen would like to investigate this possibility.
VanDolsen made motion to investigate an official website, Draper seconded, and motion passed unanimously.

No further public comments.

Meeting adjourned.

March 28, 2009


Control and partial eradication of aquatic plants and weeds within Big Bass Lake by means of chemical and/or biological means and/or weed harvesting.

Meeting called to order with pledge of allegiance, all Elk Twp Board members present
Supervisor, Linda VanDolsen defined the problem and acknowledged the Big Bass Lake Assn as the entity asking the Board to define a SAD (Special Assessment District)
Mark Harrison of Aquatic Doctors, Lake Management spoke about the Eurasian Milfoil which will be the primary target of the treatment. He explained the three chemicals which will probably be used: Navigate (aka 24D), Renovate, and Renovate OTF (which is a granular form of Renovate)
He stated that Navigate will affect drinking wells less than 30 ft deep and within 75 ft of water, therefore, the Aquatic Doctors will also use Renovate and Renovate OTF in areas where wells are too shallow or within 75 ft of water
He also mentioned that the “chemicals are designed to remain in a particular area”
Upon treatment of Big Bass Lake, there will be signs posted to notify swimming restrictions and the Elk Twp Board will be notified of projected treatment dates
There will be optimally 2 treatments per year, although the second treatment will be significantly less than the first
Aquatic Doctors are hoping for treatment dates in June and late July
All permits will be applied for by Aquatic Doctors and treatment will be overseen by the DEQ

Public Comments:
Various persons spoke for and against a tax on property owners around Big Bass Lake. Elk Twp Board realizes that a SAD can only be created for one township, so the south end of Big Bass Lake, which is Sauble Township’s responsibility will be treated by Aquatic Doctors, but cannot be collected by this SAD. It was pointed out that the special assessment must be “reasonably proportionate” to the special benefit derived from the improvement.
VanDolsen stated, “We are not considering weevils” which is a biological alternative to chemicals.
At this time there was a show of hands for/against implementing this SAD and chemically treating Big Bass Lake, it was 13 in favor and 2 opposed (1 person not on the Lake).

Resolution #2 was offered by Francis Arquette and seconded by John Fairbanks to create a Special Assessment District (SAD) for 6 years to be paid for by each property owner in the SAD at a rate of $140/year. The Elk Twp Board will review the per year assessed amount annually and readjust the assessment amount as necessary according to the terms of the act. (Which means the assessed amount could be increased up to 10% each year). The resolution was adopted unanimously by the Elk Twp Board.

Resolution #3 was offered by VanDolsen, seconded by Arquette, and passed unanimously by the Board to hold hearing #2 on April 25th at 10am.

Monday, March 16, 2009

March 10, 2009

Pledge began at 7 pm with all officers present and accounted for.

Approval of minutes with amendments offered by John Fairbanks, seconded by Carol Draper and passed by all.

Treasurer’s Report accepted in motion by Marilyn VanVleet, with Linda VanDolsen seconding, and passed by all.
Treasurer, Carol Draper made mention that revenue sharing looks like it will be left as is by Governor Granholm.

Report for Bob Engelbrecht, assessor, given by VanDolsen:
Assessor met with board on Feb 3 for a workshop, and again for 2009 assessments with the board; March 5th was a Board of Review organizational meeting, and March 9th Board of Review was hearing appeals and complaints; there will be one more Board of Review meeting in March.

Marilyn VanVleet, Clerk, mentioned in her report that she will be upgrading PeachTree including payroll and hopes to save $3,000/yr by such upgrade.

Commissioner was absent.

Marilyn Zdebski, fire board chairman, gave report:
2 heaters will be replaced at St. 1
1 new firefighter came on board who is already a certified trainer
2010 millages will be up for a vote Dec 2010
(didn’t we already vote on fire millages…hmmm)

Linda VanDolsen has a long supervisor’s report (as usual):
There was an ORV meeting in Baldwin and maps are to be finalized with trails from Chase to Irons; there is also supposed to be an annual review with comments accepted (by whom?); signage for trails was discussed by the board, as signs cost $68/ea and Elk Twp has voted to close all roads.
VanDolsen went on to report that the Lk Cty Commissioners are considering $22,000 for EKGs on ambulances which would be additional funds beyond the $63,000 already spent on EKGs;
The Sheriffs dept will be purchasing 6 extra tasers (so be very careful).

Under Old Biz:
The board voted to adopt a new and improved resolution to create a Special Assessment District (SAD) for Bass Lk under Public Act 188, sec. 3, for the “control and partial eradication of aquatic weeds by chemical and/or biological means.”
VanDolsen herself offered the resolution to the board, seconded by John Fairbanks, and passed unanimously.
The board set a Public Hearing on the SAD for March 28th at 10am. (This date is also the annual mtg date, whose time is 2 pm)
Each record owner of property on Big Bass Lake is suppose to be notified by mail prior to this Public Hearing.

Under New Biz:
1) Proposed ’09-’10 Budget- a long discussion which did not include the residents (of course), and at the end of which it was decided that VanVleet would make an amendment list to approve at the March 28th annual mtg (2pm). VanDolsen moved to accept the amended ’09-’10 budget, Fairbanks seconded, and Carol Draper voted No, motion passed.

2) Metro Act Right-of-Way- Carol Draper made motion to accept ATT Metro Act, seconded by VanDolsen, and passed.

3) Sale of office equipment- Draper made motion to allow for a sale of twp used office equipment on March 28th after the annual mtg (2pm) per weather conditions, Francis Arquette seconded, and motion passed.

4) Newsletter for summer taxes- board will have ready by June 1st and hopes to include Trash Day, July 11th; Poverty Exemption process; Dates of Elections, Meeting dates, and office hours; Forms available for property splits and other things; ORV status; and board members phone #s.

5) Twp Board Mtg time change- Arquette made motion to change mtg times to 5pm beginning in May, VanVleet seconded, and it passed with Fairbanks voting No.

6) Last appeals for Board of Review mtg will be March 14th from 3-9pm.

Various Public Comments were given including wishes of residents and taxpayers to see the completed budget before the annual mtg, VanVleet made motion to make budget available to the public March 26th, Draper seconded and it passed with VanDolsen voting No. Other comments concerned the meeting time change which would disallow many working residents from attending (is this the true desire of the board?).

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

February 10, 2009
Well, another interesting meeting ensued, while most of the township is either snowed/iced in, or down to warmer climates…

Regular business meeting called to order by Supervisor, Linda VanDolsen.
Pledge led by Super since the Clerk was ill.

A picture taken by Vicki Gates from the audience resulted in Linda VanDolsen stating that she doesn’t want her picture taken. Vicki Gates respectfully replied that this is a public meeting, and VanDolsen informed Gates that she would ask her to leave if the pictures continued. A side note from “Your Right to Know” concerning the Open Meetings Act 267, 1976, p. 1004, Section 3 (1) All meetings of a public body shall be open to the public and shall be held in a place available to the general public. All persons shall be permitted to attend any meeting except as otherwise provided in this act. The right of a person to attend a meeting of a public body includes the right to tape-record, to videotape, to broadcast live on radio, and to telecast live on television the proceedings of a public body at a public meeting.
(6) A person shall not be excluded from a meeting otherwise open to the public except for a breach of the peace actually committed at the meeting.

Treasurer report on finances by Carol Draper: accepted by all.

Assessor’s report: Bob Englebrecht was also absent due to illness.

There was no Commissioner’s report.
Marilyn Zdebski, the fire board chair, gave the fire report which included 46 total runs since 1/20/09. The 2009 chief wish list was given to the fire board which includes the top wish of a thermal imaging device allowing firefighters to see “hot spots” and victims as necessary.

In Old Business:
(1) Judi Bass spoke for the Bass Lake Association. She mentioned that Gus Motzer of equalization department does not want to do a summer tax assessment, but others believe that a summer tax assessment if feasible.
VanDolsen mentioned that a new resolution is needed for the SAD (special assessment district) with better boundaries. She also stated that 2 public hearings are needed by law.

(2) VanDolsen mentioned that there was a county ORV mtg last week, but Elk Twp was not apprised of this in time to attend.
VanDolsen did not like how Phil Maiville (our Representative) represented the ORV policy for the twps. According to VanDolsen he would like to open up all the roads in Lake County and let the twps pick up the enforcement problems.
Carol Draper mentioned that we are in a “holding pattern.”

New Business:
(1) Poverty guidelines: VanDolsen recommended that the board accept the 2009 Federal Poverty Guidelines.
Frances Arquette made such a motion, it was seconded, and passed.
Carol Draper suggested to post this to let people know.
VanDolsen wanted to put out a newsletter and include this info.
Draper made a motion to include Fed. Pov. Guidelines in a newsletter, VanDolsen seconded, and it passed.
(2) Lake County Road Comm-2009 dust control/brining contract:
This will be the same price as last yr=$5,000/yr.
VanDolsen made motion to accept such contract with Lk Cty Rd Comm., Draper seconded…NO VOTE TAKEN, maybe due to oversight?
(3) Flags for cemetery:
VanDolsen made motion to authorize purchase of 100 flags for $114., seconded and passed.
(4) Board of Review compensation for 2009:
VanDolsen mentioned a previous budget mtg of the entire board (?just a question, but was this posted for the public?) which the board looked at and changed the yearly budget line by line.
VanDolsen suggested $45/first 3 hrs, and $15/hr for each additional hour.
John Fairbanks made such motion, seconded by VanDolsen and passed by board.
(5) Telephone/Answering Machine/LAN bid:
Phil VanVleet and Lawrence VanDolsen put together an estimate package. Lawrence VanDolsen told board to rewire 4 phones lines to a router would be $720, but to go wireless would only be $295.
This would include wireless router, and cordless phone with 4 handsets.
Fairbanks made motion to “go wireless,” seconded by Draper, and passed by board.
(6) Elk Twp trash collection day:
A contract was signed with previous collector to hold a trash collection day on July 11, 2009, from 9-2pm.
(7) Salary resolutions:
Arquette made motion to keep Clerk’s salary the same at $9,500, seconded by Fairbanks, and passed.
Arquette made motion to keep Treasurer’s salary the same at $11,500, seconded and passed.
Arquette made motion to raise the Supervisor’s salary from $7,500 to $8,000 because the new Super feels she has more administrative duties.
(The comment was made after the meeting that the current Super asked for more power at the first meeting, and asked for more money at her third meeting)
These salaries will be voted on during the March Annual Meeting, so come on out March 28 at 2pm.
Other compensations were discussed for deputies:
Deputy supervisor, $10/hr, not to exceed $1,000/yr
Deputy clerk, $10/hr, not to exceed $1,000/yr
Deputy treasurer, $10/hr, not to exceed $500/yr
Arquette made motion to accept deputy compensation, seconded by VanDolsen, and passed.

There were no public comments at this meeting.

John Fairbanks added a few more thoughts and votes:
After discussion concerning an outstanding bill owed to the Lk Cty Rd Commission for the work on 11 ½ mile rd, it was decided that the Rd Comm could use the monies now and we are not receiving enough interest to make any difference. Therefore,
Fairbanks made motion to pay off the Lk Cty Rd Comm, VanDolsen seconded, and it passed.
After discussion about CDs which will come due, it was suggested that the rd fund CD should remain liquid in case more rd work could or should be accomplished. Therefore, VanDolsen made motion to leave the rd fund liquid until the fall, Arquette seconded, and it passed,
After discussion concerning the entrance doors, it was decided that John Fairbanks would replace the locks, shave off the doors on the bottom and put on weather-stripping at no charge to the twp.
VanDolsen asked to be notified when he would be doing the work.
VanDolsen amended the agenda to show changes:
Discussed front doors & locks under Old Business
Discussed CDs under New Business (8)
Discussed payment of Rd Comm under New Business (9)
Arquette asked Gary Oetman, Super if Eden Twp, if he knew of the ORV mtg and mapping session, he stated he did not.

Fairbanks made motion to adjourn.
Adjourned before 8pm, what a record!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

January 13, 2009
Regular business meeting called to order by Supervisor, Linda VanDolsen.
The Clerk, Marilyn VanVleet led the pledge of allegiance, and a roll call of officers.
Treasurer report on finances by Carol Draper: accepted by all.
Assessor’s report: Bob Englebrecht let everyone know that the Dec Board of Review was delayed due to the weather, but when it was held, 3 principal residents were given tax exemptions, and assessed valuations were lowered in the entire twp. He further instructed that poverty guidelines need to be adopted for the March Board of Review, which needs to be published soon.
Clerk’s Report by Marilyn VanVleet: the board needs to appoint Board of Review (BOR) members.
Linda moved to appoint Phil VanVleet, Don Arquette, and Stanley Dombrowski, previous BOR members, to a 2 yr term, passed.
Frances Arquette moved that the board send 4 people (including new super) to a BOR class with mileage reimbursement, passed.
There was no Commissioner’s report.
Tom Elenbaas, the fire chief, gave the fire report which included 215 total runs for 2008, mutual aid agreement signed with Freesoil fire dept, signed maintenance contract for the JAWS, 2 firefighters who completed a state recognized MFR (Medical First Responder) class, and a plea to the residents who heat with wood to have their chimneys cleaned as needed or before.
In Old Business:
(1) Judi Bass spoke for the Bass Lake Association who are still trying to get a Special Assessment District (SAD) set up for Bass Lake. They currently have obtain 130 validated petitions and Judi has spent time talking to a lawyer, Mr. Bloom. They would like to see it get on the summer tax rolls, but realize there is still a lot of leg work and education to be done first. Linda V. asked Judi to verify the date for items to be included in the summer taxes. Gus Motzer, at the equalization dept, would rather see SAD be put on the winter taxes. The SAD is decided by 51% of land area within one district, and cannot span two townships. Linda thinks this should be tabled for more info, and suggested a map for land holders and more education on the Eurasian Milfoil.
John Fairbanks asked if DNR had been contacted, and Judi Bass answered that the DNR came and looked and stated there is a problem which could be discussed with aquatic doctors.
There are 208 property owners on Big Bass Lake.
John F. mentioned that there is a lake study on website for Big Bass Lk.
(2) R. Wielinga has asked the board for reimbursement for a computer used for twp business.
Frances Arquette moved to allow Wielinga to keep the laptop in question as compensation (Linda V. amended motion to include transfer of all township records stored on the laptop), passed with Marilyn V voting no.
New Business:
(1) New front door with modifications on back door.
Linda V moved to allow John F to get bids for materials for a new front door with the understanding that the labor will be donated, passed.
(2) Office equipment the three officers did an equipment assessment and determined the twp needs:
3 (4 drawer file cabinets)
1 (desk lamp)
John F moved to purchase 3 (4 drawer file cabinets) from Jackpine (Linda V amended motion for 2 file cabinets and a desk lamp), passed.
(3) Annual meeting which is no longer required by law.
Linda V would like to do away with this inconvenience, which includes salary action by electors.
Frances A moved that we keep the annual meeting, passed.
(4) ORV results.
420 surveys returned out of 2,000
180 respondents said open all road, but 56 had qualifiers
132 “ said open no roads
108 “ said restrict access to certain roads
117 included comments about safety, enforcement, noise, environmental issues, and revenue for the county.
A very lively discussion was opened to the public and many comments concerned the above issues.
(5) Charlie Young, road commissioner:
Believes that the county has acted well in this issue. If the county acts upon this legislature, and the twp do nothing, then roads will be opened. If the twp create their own ordinance, then the twp must pay for enforcement. Therefore, the county is asking for input from each twp and then the county will act accordingly.
Charlie also mentioned that Lake County is one of the furthest southern counties to fall under this “lousy law,” which includes no provisions for road damage, no driver’s license requirement, issues with Michigan No-fault insurance, private roads are not protected, and what part of the road may be used remains unclear.
(6) Response to Lake Cty concerning ORV access in Elk Twp.
Linda V moved that no Elk Twp roads will be opened, and she will let the county know by 2/1/09, passed.
(7) Budget meetings for 2009-2010.
Feb. 4th at 10 am.
An instructional meeting with the auditor will be set up by Linda V for the 3 officers. When queried if this will be a posted meeting, Linda uncharacteristically answered. The response is that there is no reason this should be posted.
Marilyn mentioned that the clerk and treasurer have office hours on Thursday from 9-1.

Public Comments:
Jackie McKellar asked about the CAC, and was abruptly shushed by Linda. When Jackie attempted to clarify the question and answer she was told she was out of order.
Lou Fitz reminded the board again that any time there are more than 2 person present in a called for meeting, the meeting falls under OMA and must be posted 18 hours in advance.

Meeting adjourned at a whopping 9 pm, and TTHHAATT’’SS all folks.