Friday, June 19, 2009



All board members present. About 12 twp citizens present.
Part 1: Township priorities.
Roads, roads, roads.
Overall twp improvement, including a park maybe on the north side of the present twp building adjacent to the river access; upgrading present twp hall in some form; reclamation of old gravel pits.
Big Bass Lake, including old septic tanks being subpar.

Part 2: Short and long term goals.
Lou Fitz suggested a 5 year and 10 year biz plan idea.
Doug Mann asked about police presence in the area.
Charlie Young mentioned a trash ordinance.
VanDolsen became very vocal concerning zoning and mentioned that it is ignorance that holds people back from zoning.

Part 3: Types of committees.
VanDolsen mentioned she liked ad hoc committees more than standing committees, and she would rather disband the Citizen Advisory Committee (CAC).
There will be a call for volunteers in the next newsletter going out with the tax statements, and any interested persons may contact VanDolsen (266-5201).
Committees discussed include road & safety, business planning, maintenance & beautification, cemetery, ordinance, and Board of Review.
Citizens do not necessarily need to be a resident except for the Board of Review (for which there is a need for 2 alternates).

Part 4: Structure of committees.
VanDolsen stated she would like a limited number of people on a committee with a definite time frame, although she agreed that a biz/planning committee should/could be a standing committee.

Part 5: other comments.
VanDolsen again represented the lone voice that the CAC should be dissolved.
VanVleet thought that the name should be changed because she feels the community looks down on the committee.
Arquette wants time to think about this idea of dissolving the CAC.
Fairbanks asked for a history of the CAC.
Lou Fitz responded succinctly that the CAC came about by a motion of the old board which created CAC to investigate the newly acquired property for the purpose of relocating the twp facilities; when the property in question was brought to a vote of the people, it was overwhelmingly voted to keep the twp hall on the current property; then the CAC was given a directive by the then current board to focus on the possibility of twp hall renovation.
Fairbanks mentioned in light of this information that the CAC should be kept intact regardless of the name as he doesn’t wish to alienate members of the community who wish to serve.
John Gorys suggested more people can be on any committee as alternated without voting privileges.
Fitz suggested that the board needs to define the scope and parameters of any committee before people commit to such committees.

Meeting adjourned.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

June 9, 2009...Regular Meeting

Pledge began at the new time of 5 pm with all only Linda VanDolsen, John Fairbanks, and Marilyn VanVleet present. 4 citizens were also present along with the county commissioner and his wife.
Approval of May 12th minutes offered by Fairbanks, seconded by VanDolsen and passed by all present.

Treasurer’s Report accepted in motion by Fairbanks, with VanDolsen seconding, and passed by all present.
Bob Engelbrecht, assessor, was absent.
No Clerk report.
Super report: special assessment district has been delivered and spraying was rescheduled for June 11th; June 13th will be an open forum for citizens and board; and trash day is July 11th .
Commissioner Maiville was the first one this year due to various illnesses and activities (welcome back Phil): June 25-28, 2009 will be the third annual West Michigan’s Longest Yard Sale; ambulance millage to be cut in half, then it will have to be voted on again; road commission short of money (who isn’t) and requests twps who are planning work to think about projects sooner rather than later.
Marilyn Zdebski, fire board chairman, gave report:
The chief, Tom Elenbaas, made an agreement with Wellston Lube to do MDOT inspections as needed; Elenbaas & Kristen will soon become certified CPR instructors; roof at St #1 needs to be repaired; Bob Robinson resigned from fire board as alternate for Elk Twp, and Martha Misener resigned from fire board treasurer; Zdebski suggested to the board that they review the Elk Twp representatives for fire board (M. Zdebski, Jack Hankewitcz, Carol Draper to be treasurer, and Corey VanFleet as alternate), and the fire board has voted not to purchase new radios at this time.
Super amended agenda to reflect an item in new business: vote on Carol Draper to be fire board treasurer.
Note per Fire Chief: Tom Elenbaas, burn permit #1.866.922.2876

No correspondence.

Under Old Biz:
Twp Newsletter on task to be mailed out with tax bills.

Under New Biz:
a) Motion to appoint elected official to be treasurer of fire board (Carol Draper) made by Fairbanks, seconded by VanDolsen, passed.
1) Osceola-Lake Conservation District household toxic and hazardous waste collection, October 10, 2009, down in Baldwin. Fairbanks made motion to give $200 donation, seconded by now present Draper, amended by VanVleet to donate $250, passed.
2) Irons Bottle Gas Budget Payment Program for township; this year’s budget would be less (?); Fairbanks thinks bids are a better way to do biz, VanDolsen will look into Fischer Bottle Gas and email elected officials.
3) Signage estimates for cemetery and twp boundaries, $30.60 + s&h for a 12 x 18 sign for cemetery to replace sign. Motion made by Draper, seconded by VanVleet, passed. Rest of signage will wait.
4) Volunteers for Trash Day, July 11th, anyone interested talk to VanDolsen (might have more citizens with a different mtg time); Fairbanks volunteered, VanDolsen volunteered, Zdebski said she might be able to, Draper volunteered; Vicki Gates suggested asking the fire chief for volunteers.

Public Comments were given including wishes of residents to see the meeting time changed.
Lou Fitz mentioned conflict that ensues every year when trash day is scheduled for the second Sat in July. VanDolsen said they will look into changing day for next year; VanVleet mentioned that it would be better in June since so many people come up on Memorial Day to clean up.
Fitz also mentioned he would promote twp boundary signs.
Fitz asked about road brining and VanDolsen said she spoke with the rd commission and they said they had a contract to spot brine early in the season (which they did and then it rained), then they will do a full brining at a later date.

Fairbanks motioned to adjourn, seconded, and passed.