Thursday, November 15, 2012


NOVEMBER 13, 2012

Johnny Gates offered a prayer for guidance
Meeting opened with Clerk, Vicki Gates, leading the Pledge of Allegiance
S. Young-motion to appoint J. Fairbanks as moderator of the meeting, C. Draper seconded; passed
J. Fairbanks extended condolences for the passing of Charlie Steigmeyer
Additions to agenda: Approval of the purchase of a new copy machine-not to exceed $325.
Members present:       Sharon Young, Trustee-266.8432       
Vicki Gates, Clerk-266.8248
                                    Carol Draper, Treasurer
                                    John Fairbanks, Trustee-266.8023
Members absent:        Douglas Mann, Supervisor
Public Comments-Marilyn Zdebski suggested more garbage bins @ Johnson Rd as it is well used

S. Young-motion to approve October 9, 2012 minutes, J. Fairbanks -seconded; passed

Treasurer’s Report-C. Draper: S. Young-motion to accept the treasurer’s report, J. Fairbanks -seconded; passed

Clerk’s Report-V. Gates: S. Young-motion to approve the bills for October, C. Draper-seconded; passed
                        67% voter turn out for this election with 227 absentee ballots returned
Correspondence-MTA would like the contact info of the board members by Nov 15, 2012

Dignitary Reports:

Commissioner-J. Fairbanks-county still working on a new ambulance station

Cemetery-S. Young-meeting short & sweet; V. Gates-motion to purchase 200 new flags for the cemetery, J. Fairbanks seconded; passed

Road Project Committee-S. Young-committee made a recommendation to consider paving Heritage Bay in a number of installments; also looking at Mack Rd, north of 8 Mile Rd; Jackie McKellar is investigating Federal Forest monies to provide “timber bridges” on 11 ½ Mile Rd; V. Gates-motion to direct V. Gates to send letter of support to Road Commission for this 11 ½ Mile Rd project, S. Young seconded; passed (this would ensure multi-agency support for the project thus helping to secure monies from the Federal Forest)

Supervisor-email from D. Mann: “I considered it an honor to be able to serve them (Elk Township) for the fourteen or fifteen months that I was their Supervisor. Truly an honor.”
            -Thanks the old board for placing “service above self” and for taking the steps necessary to regain the trust and confidence of the general public
            -Congratulates the newly elected board members
            -Thanks the election workers for all the hours spent on the election

Trustees comments-S. Young-attended an area Township Association meeting @ Pinora Twp; discussed a new garbage service called Independent Rural Waste Services operating in the area
            -J. Fairbanks-would like to see the marquee changed asap; received a letter from DNR regarding Bluegill lake (obtaining a no motor designation), the letter outlines the appeals process since they turned down the request

Action Items:
J. Fairbanks-motion to direct clerk to purchase an office copy machine, not to exceed $325, S. Young seconded; passed
J. Fairbanks-motion to allow the incoming Treasurer, Brandy Myers, to attend an MTA sponsored class for collecting taxes, including $169 class cost plus mileage & per diem for food, S. Young seconded; passed

Public Comment-Darrell Fenstermacher from Independent Waste Services discussed this new waste management company and informed the board & public that BLUE BAGS are available for $2.50/bag at the Na-tah-ka corner store & Sweetfern (the old Emporium store), they also have 64 gal totes and 96 gal totes for delivery service, their contact info is:
Phone 231.832.4993; cell 231.349.7484; 877.366.3767
            -Lou Fitz would like the board to consider allowing for funds to send a newsletter in the outgoing tax statements including new board contact info & pertinent township info; J. Fairbanks-motion to produce a newsletter to go out in tax statements (with a draft copy going to all board members for approval), V. Gates seconded; passed
            -Jackie McKellar thanked C. Draper for a job well done
            -Judy Bass wanted the board to be aware that cemetery waste (including glass vases & bottles) are ending up being dumped on their property which adjoins the cemetery; J. Fairbanks said he would make a sign
            -Roger Buckingham suggested if we need cemetery flags often, the board consider making it a line item in the budget

S. Young-motion to adjourn, C. Draper-seconded; passed

Respectfully submitted,

Vicki Gates, Clerk

Thursday, November 8, 2012

General Election Nov 6, 2012

Township Election Results (unofficial of course):

67% voter turn out
558 voters

SUPER:  LOU FITZ, with 222 votes
CLERK:  VICKI GATES, with 322 votes
TREASURER:  BRANDY MYERS, with 335 votes
                     SHARON YOUNG, with 326 votes