Thursday, June 21, 2012

Irons Area Flea Roast /Ox Market

 A parade with Smokey, the bear
 and the Sheriff's department
 and the kids
 and food at the end
 Flea Roast/Ox Market going on all weekend
 beginning today, Thursday
 with awesome parking attendants
 and lots of vendors

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

June Regular Meeting Minutes

June 12, 2012

Douglas Mann, supervisor, offered a prayer for guidance at 7pm
He then called the meeting to order with Clerk, Vicki Gates, leading the Pledge of Allegiance
Members present:          Douglas Mann, Supervisor
                                                Vicki Gates, Clerk
                                                Carol Draper, Treasurer
                                                Sharon Young, Trustee
                                                John Fairbanks, Trustee
Public Comments for future consideration-none

S. Young-motion to approve May 8, 2012 minutes, as amended J. Fairbanks-seconded; all in favor

Treasurer’s Report-C. Draper (attached): J. Fairbanks-motion to accept the treasurer’s report, S. Young seconded; all in favor

Clerk’s Report-V. Gates (attached): J. Fairbanks-motion to approve the bills for May, C. Draper seconded; all in favor
MTA dues will be paid in June as per our budget: $1,162.69
DNR recommends “Firewise” landscaping techniques to protect rural homes from wildfire:  30-foot open-space buffer between the home and tree line; remove small trees, household debris, brush and ground fuels (such as leaves and pine needles); store firewood away from the house and clear vegetation at least 10 feet away from LP tanks; plant short green grass; prune lower tree limbs to a height of 6-10 feet
Copy of L-4029 from equalization showing tax rates and taxable value
Public Act 135, signed by Gov. Rick Snyder, allows residents to file an affidavit to claim poverty exemption, rather than requiring federal & state income tax returns
House & Senate completed action on the state general fund budget and constitutional revenue sharing continues to see growth, PILT (payment-in-lieu-of-taxes) should be seeing an increase, and state income tax rate will be reduced from 4.35 to 4.25 on Oct 1st
House bill 4207 banns the uncontrolled burning of plastic, rubber, foam, chemically treated wood, textiles, electronics, chemicals, and hazardous materials. Rural residents still can burn yard waste such as brush & leaves, and household waste such as cardboard and paper products
Clean Sweep & Household Hazardous Waste Disposal in Lake, Mecosta & Osceola Counties:  October 13, 2012; S. Young-motion to approve “Agreement for Services” for $500 (same as last year), J. Fairbanks seconded; all in favor

Dignitary Reports
911-David Sanders, deputy director of 911-spoke of the 911 millage up for renewal on the August 7th primary ballot
Fire Dept- Marilyn Zdebski (attached)-out of 15 calls for the month, 10 of them were for Elk; fireman’s ball will be held at Skinner Park Aug. 4th
Commissioner-J. Fairbanks-MSU building sale for the historical society museum in Baldwin is proceeding; housing committee is looking for people to help with emergency repairs on their homes as well as ongoing rehabilitation of homes for low income residents
Cemetery- S.Young- the next cemetery board meeting will be August 6, 2012 @ Sauble @ 3pm
Assessor-absent, but Supervisor, D. Mann, would like it known that Bob Englebrecht completed his Masters degree for assessing

Supervisor-D. Mann-thanks to Lou Fitz, Roger Buckingham, Sharon & Jack Puff, and John Wagner for creating a picnic area at the twp hall; thanks to Dave Kott & Jim Abbott for the continued maintenance of the yellow bag receptacles; Summer clean up will be July 21st from 8am-1pm @ Skinner Park (anyone wishing to volunteer to assist in unloading please contact Vicki Gates, 266-8248); read excerpt from Statute 41.101 of Michigan Compiled Law which states, “A person who refuses to withdraw from a public meeting, on being ordered by the moderator to do so, is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not exceeding $50.00.”

Trustees-J. Fairbanks-informed us that the Historical Society will be having a guest speaker, Robert Griffin (an old-time surveyor for this area), June 19th @ 7pm @ twp hall
S. Young-reported per the Road Commission that brining cost 2 ½ cents for the brine, which is all we are charged, and they spot brine early in the spring (in front of houses), then complete a full brine twice in the summer

Action Items
Ad Hoc Citizens Advisory Committee for road projects created with S. Young heading it up
Approval of contracts-S. Young-motion to accept contracts for janitorial, lawn maintenance @ twp hall grounds, snowplowing services, and maintaining twp marquee, J. Fairbanks seconded, all in favor
Purchase 30 triple braced, double-hinged, padded chairs for twp hall-V. Gates made motion to purchase from Jackpine, not to exceed $1200, J. Fairbanks seconded; all in favor
Installation of new front entrance with keyless entry locks-C. Draper made motion to accept Homer Grant’s bid for a 36” out-swing door with two 12” glass panels on either side, for a total of $1905, S. Young seconded; all in favor
Porta-Pottie for picnic area @ twp hall for $70/month/3 months including cleaning & insurance- V. Gates made motion to contract out, J. Fairbanks seconded; all in favor

Old Business
Six Mile Sink Hole update-supervisor-per Henry Diemer of Wilcox Engineering, grants are slim and the next step would be topographical survey & core samples for $5100; C. Draper made motion to table the Six Mile project indefinitely, V. Gates seconded; all in favor
Summer Clean Up Trash Day flyer will go out in tax statements the end of June
Stump removal for more parking is still being completed by J. Fairbanks, Lou Fitz, and Jeff Riggs; we will look into lighting that area after completion of work

New Business
D. Mann would like to investigate a new marquee, C. Draper made motion to approve the investigative work, S. Young seconded; all in favor
Public Comment-Johnny Gates mentioned that J. Fairbanks could investigate an historical sign for the twp hall & collaborate with D. Mann

C. Draper-motion to adjourn, S. Young seconded; all in favor

Respectfully submitted,

Vicki Gates, Clerk