Friday, November 14, 2014

NOVEMBER 11, 2014 Regular Meeting with Big Bass Lake SAD Hearing #2

ELK TOWNSHIP                DRAFT
NOVEMBER 11, 2014

Lou Fitz, Supervisor, called the meeting to order @ 7:00pm
Prayer offered by Johnny Gates
Pledge of Allegiance, led by L. Fitz
Marilyn Zdebski led an honor for all veterans present
Roll call, officials present:                Lou Fitz, Supervisor-266.5040
Vicki Gates, Clerk-510.2597
                                                                Sharon Young, Trustee-266.8432
                                                John Fairbanks, Trustee-266.8023
Agenda-J. Fairbanks-motion to approve agenda as revised; S. Young seconded; passed 5-0
Minutes approval- J. Fairbanks -motion to approve October 14, 2014 regular meeting minutes as amended; S. Young seconded; passed 5-0

Board Member Reports:
   L. Fitz, Supervisor
1.       Fire Department needs volunteers (we currently only have 13 members)
2.       Read a letter for a grant request (Dave Kott will be working on this with L. Fitz); S. Young-motion to approve the letter with revisions; J. Fairbanks seconded; passed 5-0
3.       Mountain bike event scheduled for 2015 on the North Country Trail has been cancelled
4.       Lake County Commissioner meeting will be held at Elk Township Wed, Nov. 12, 2014 @ 6pm
   V. Gates, Clerk
1.       Successful Gubernatorial election with 50% voter turnout in Elk Twp
2.       Request to attend a class in Lansing to become QVF-lite (which allows address changes to be made in house for voters in our Qualified Voter File); L. Fitz-motion to approve mileage & meals for this class on November 20, 2014; B. Myers seconded; passed 5-0
3.       Irons Lp Price Protection Program-L. Fitz-motion to table this until December, he will look into options; S. Young seconded; passed 5-0
4.       Cemetery flags & bronze markers-S. Young-motion to approve an order with Carrot-Top Industries for 100 flags & 25 bronze markers for veterans; B. Myers seconded; passed 5-0
5.       Needs to reorder checks from Sage & 1099s-L. Fitz-motion to approve; S. Young seconded; passed 5-0
6.       Read letter from Municipal Retirement Systems requesting liquidation of Dennis Lisaius’ account-J. Fairbanks-motion to let Ann Bunting @ MRS know D. Lisaius is no longer an employee; L. Fitz seconded; passed 5-0
7.       Requesting board approval on bills paid in October, including Big Bass Lake SAD, and Road fund- L. Fitz-motion to approve September bills; S. Young seconded; passed 5-0
8.       Correspondence: Read 4 letters of protest concerning implementing the Big Bass Lake SAD

S. Young-motion to move the Big Bass Lake SAD hearing #2 up on the agenda; J. Fairbanks seconded; passed 5-0

Big Bass Lake SAD hearing #2; discussion ensued concerning mailing & ads, and revisions of Resolution #4, but there were no comments made on the assessment roll
Public Comments were heard for hearing #2:
Tony Ellis thanked the Board for the work on the Big Bass Lake SAD

B. Myers, Treasurer
1.       Read Treasurer’s report for September- S. Young -motion to accept Treasurer’s report; J. Fairbanks seconded; passed 5-0
2.       Needs new computer-V. Gates-motion to allow Treasurer to purchase a new computer up to $750; L. Fitz seconded; passed 5-0
3.       Discussed the tax notices which allow for a 1% collection of unpaid taxes-no action although B. Myers will let equalization know to change the tax notices

S. Young, Trustee
Reported that the Lake County Area Townships Association meeting for January 22 will be held at Chase Township @ 7:30pm

Public Comments:
Jackie McKellar-would like people to know that Cool Lake property owners paid for the new picture of Cool Lake @ township hall
Marilyn Zdebski-stated that zebra mussels were found on Sauble Lake #4

Dignitary Reports:
·         County Commissioner-J. Fairbanks-honored Ed Chappel:
Mr. Ed Chappel, I have invited you to our commissioners meeting here tonight to thank you for your work on the North Country Trail. This was to be a formal resolution, but I felt that all the WHEREAS, and THEREFORE, and FURTHER MORES would not be fitting to honor your service. I wanted this to come from the heart. As we close this night, I would like to thank you from all of us on your many years of service on the NORTH COUNTRY TRAIL. You have given yourself unselfishly to better our township, county, and surrounding area. When you embarked on this task many years ago you labored your body, and, as time went on, you guided the next generation of caretakers of this wonderful trail system. With your wisdom, dedication and fortitude, you have made our forest more inviting and accessible for the public. It is refreshing to see that people still exist that will give of themselves wholeheartedly for the good public and expect nothing in return.
In closing, I ask the clerk of the board enter this verbiage in the minutes of this meeting so future generations will know that people of this caliber did exist.
·         Fire Dept-Marilyn Zdebski- fire department report given
·         Road Committee-S. Young-reported she discussed roads with Jay Syrewicze, including the corner of Johnson Rd & 9 Mile Rd, and corner of Canyon Dr & Bass Lake Rd
·         Historical Society-Joyce Durdel-adjourned until April
Old Business:
·         J. Fairbanks-motion to adopt Resolution #4 for Big Bass Lake SAD 2015-2021; S. Young seconded; discussion ensued by Board, and clerk reported that proper notice of the hearing on this matter had been published in the Bulletin Board News on October 23 & October 30, 2014, and had been mailed by first-class mail to each property owner within the proposed assessment district as shown on the current tax rolls of the township on October 21, 2014; passed 5-0 (see Old Business for motions)
·         Trash bin discussion for winter: A-1 Services has offered a dumpster free of charge to be placed at the town hall; after much discussion, S. Young-motion to leave trash bins where they are & to remove this agenda item for future; J. Fairbanks seconded; passed 5-0
·         Porta-Jon: L. Fitz will contact “Jim” and ask that the porta-jon be removed until April
New Business:
·         Audio taping of meetings: after discussion-J. Fairbanks-motion not to purchase audio taping equipment; V. Gates seconded; passed 5-0
·         Newsletter discussed to go out with winter tax notices: after revisions-S. Young-motion to fund the printing & folding of a two sided newsletter; V. Gates seconded; passed 5-0

S. Young-motion to adjourn; J. Fairbanks seconded; all in favor
Adjourned @ 9:20 pm
Respectfully submitted,
 Vicki Gates, Clerk              

50% voter turn out for November 4, 2014 Election