Thursday, February 21, 2013


Treasurer, Brandy Myers, may be contacted on her cell 231.970.9030 for all tax questions, and she will be in the office February 28th @ Elk Twp Hall, 9-5pm, to receive delinquent taxes or answer tax questions, twp hall phone #266.5983

Special Meetings

The following Special Meetings have been called by the Board:

Budget Workshop, February 28th @ 10am @ Elk Twp Hall (this will be a Board workshop for the purpose of compiling a budget for the year 2013-2014, public is always welcome)

Budget Hearing for Public, March 30th @ 10am @ Elk Twp Hall (this will be a public meeting for reviewing the budget for the year 2013-2014, and will be held in conjunction with the Annual Meeting)

Junk Ordinance Review, April 9th @ 7pm @ Elk Twp Hall (this will be a Board workshop for the purpose of investigating a possible junk ordinance, public is always welcome)

Cemetery Ordinance Review, April 9th @ 7pm @ Elk Twp Hall (this will be a Board workshop for the purpose of investigating and hopefully passing an updated cemetery ordinance for Lakeview Cemetery, public is always welcome)

Regular Board Meeting-February 2013

FEBRUARY 12, 2013

Lou Fitz, Supervisor, called meeting to order with a moment from John Fairbanks to honor Stanley Dombrouski
Pledge of Allegiance, led by L. Fitz
Roll call, all officials present: Lou Fitz, Supervisor-266.5040
Vicki Gates, Clerk-266.8248
Brandy Myers, Treasurer-970.9030
John Fairbanks, Trustee-266.8023
                                                Sharon Young, Trustee-266.8432
S. Young -motion to approve JANUARY 8, 2013 minutes, J. Fairbanks -seconded; passed 5-0

Board Member Reports:
            L. Fitz, Supervisor-will be attending a Board of Review Training in Cadillac on Feb 20, 2013; read an excerpt from Sauble Twp Board meeting minutes dated Jan 8, 2013, “Motion made…to accept the agreement from Elk Township to relinquish managerial and fiscal responsibility of Lakeview Cemetery, Sauble citizen can continue to be members of the cemetery committee, Sauble Township would continue to make the annual $700 payment, Sauble residents can purchase plots at resident cost, and Sauble Township does not object to green burials. Motion carried, 4-0-0”
S. Young-motion to accept Sauble Township’s opt out of the Lakeview Cemetery managerial & fiscal responsibility, B. Myers seconded; passed 5-0
L. Fitz charged the Elk Twp Board with the responsibility to review a Lakeview Cemetery Ordinance to be discussed at the March meeting
S. Young-motion to dissolve the current cemetery board, B. Myers seconded; passed 4-1-0
V. Gates-motion to establish a cemetery committee with both Sauble Twp & Elk Twp represented, B. Myers seconded; passed 4-0-1(abstention)

            V. Gates, Clerk-Requesting board approval on bills:
J. Fairbanks -motion to pay Dec bills, S. Young seconded; passed 5-0
Correspondence-Lake County Road Commission Brine letter for 2013-2014
J. Fairbanks-motion to accept Lake County Road Commission brining contract for $5000 for 2013-2014, V. Gates seconded; passed after discussion regarding possibly needing more monies for this year than last year, passed 5-0
J. Fairbanks read a letter from the District Health Dept #10, “This letter is written in response to our phone conversation on Jan 7, 2013 about whether District Health Dept #10 allows green burials (burials without embalming the body:. The state of Michigan does not have a law requiring bodies to be embalmed before burial, therefore green burials are legal in the state of Michigan and District Health Dept #10 allows them. It is up to the cemetery or the local government whether or not they require the body to be embalmed.”

            B. Myers, Treasurer-Read Treasurer’s report:
J. Fairbanks-motion to accept Treasurer’s report, S. Young seconded; passed 5-0
J. Fairbanks-motion to authorize B. Myers to move PNC cd to a money market account which is earning more interest, S. Young seconded, passed 5-0
J. Fairbanks-motion to authorize B. Myers & V. Gates to set up a debit credit card for purchases, S. Young seconded, passed 5-0
J. Fairbanks questioned whether the SADs (special assessment districts) need to be re-approved, V. Gates & L. Fitz will look into dates and contact MTA (Michigan Twp Association) regarding the process

            S. Young, Trustee-attended the Lake County Township Association meeting in Chase on Jan 24th  (the association will be publishing the Board of Review dates for the townships); attended an ORV meeting in which it was stated that all townships are now opened for ORV traffic in Lake County; next ORV meeting will be March 14th @ 9am (J. Fairbanks is chair of this committee)
J. Fairbanks-motion to reimburse all board members for mileage to official meetings that hold interest for Elk township citizens (Elk Twp Board retains right to determine meeting worthiness), B. Myers seconded, passed 5-0 by roll call vote
            J. Fairbanks, Trustee-suggests “old timer names” for new roads created by subdividing large tracks of lands; mentioned that the Elk Twp annual meeting includes a budget hearing on March 30th @ 10am

Public Comments:
Jackie McKellar informed the township that there will be a memorial for Stanley Dombrouski on May 4th @ St. Bernard’s Church @ 11am, with visitation beginning @ 10am. There will be a Color Guard from Peacock & an Honor Guard from Washington DC; there will be a reception @ Skinner Park following the services
Charlie Young mentioned that the roads are closed to ORV traffic from Dec-March 1st
Dave McIntire mentioned that brining will cost an additional $1000 for this year considering the $.05 increase in brining costs

Dignitary Reports:
Commissioner-J. Fairbanks:  211 program has been a costly program, with approximately $24/call; J. Fairbanks is chairman of the 911 program and would like to see a 5-year budget for this program; will be attending a Michigan storm water conference to become certified to assist the twp in case of a natural disaster & to aid in securing funds during such a disaster; mentioned there are grant monies through DNR Recreational Passport program for parks; and he will also be attending Michigan Transportation Advisory Council in Lansing
Fire Dept- L. Fitz:  will be receiving a 2013 Tahoe to replace the Excursion which will go out for bids to be sold
Cemetery-S. Young:  postponed due to restructuring
Road Committee-S. Young:  won’t meet again until needed

Old Business:
            Rewiring twp hall-L. Fitz is investigating options
J. Fairbanks-motion to table this issue until March meeting, B. Myers seconded, passed 5-0
            New well for cemetery-Dave Kott is interested in writing a grant for LCCF (Lake County Community Foundation) monies to help in the cost of the installing a new well for the cemetery
J. Fairbanks-motion to authorize D. Kott to proceed with application for grant through LCCF, S. Young seconded, passed 5-0 (J. Fairbanks mentioned that our oldest grave is a 117-day-old baby in Dec 22, 1893; and we have 1 Civil War Vet and 597 total people interred at Lakeview Cemetery)
Thank You Dave Kott for your service to our township
            Junk, dilapidated building, and civil infraction ordinances-after discussion it was decided a meeting dedicated to this issue is in order
S. Young-motion to hold a special meeting on April 9, 2013 @ 7pm for the purpose of discussing in detail junk, dilapidated building, and civil infraction ordinances; J. Fairbanks seconded, passed 5-0

New Business:
            2013-2014 Calendar adopted:
J. Fairbanks-motion to adopt, S. Young seconded, passed by roll call vote 5-0
            Resolution to establish township officer’s salaries:
J. Fairbanks offered a resolution to keep the supervisor’s salary @ 8,500/yr; S. Young seconded, passed by roll call vote 4-0-1(L. Fitz abstained)
J. Fairbanks offered a resolution to keep the treasurer’s salary @ 11,500/yr; S. Young seconded, passed by roll call vote 5-0
J. Fairbanks offered a resolution to keep the clerk’s salary @ 9,500/yr; S. Young seconded, passed by roll call vote 5-0
            Budget workshop for the 2013-2014 fiscal year beginning April 1, 2013:
J. Fairbanks-motion to hold a budget workshop on Feb 28th @ 10am with the public welcome, V. Gates seconded, passed 5-0
            New contracts to go out for bids with the twp retaining the right to accept or reject any bid:
S. Young-motion to publish bids being accepted in the Bulletin Board News for the following positions,
Cleaning, mowing, snow removal, sexton, cemetery mowing, pest control (with a courtesy call to the current contract laborers), B. Myers seconded, passed 5-0
            Resolution to adopt poverty exemption income guidelines:
J. Fairbanks offered a resolution to accept the Federal poverty exemption guidelines, S. Young seconded, passed 5-0 with roll call vote

Public Comment:

S. Young -motion to adjourn, B. Myers-seconded; passed 5-0

Respectfully submitted,

Vicki Gates, Clerk