Thursday, May 15, 2014

...and the building renovations progress

May Regular Board Meeting

MAY 13, 2014

Lou Fitz, Supervisor, called the meeting to order with a moment of silence @ 7:00pm
Pledge of Allegiance, led by L. Fitz
Roll call, all officials present:             Lou Fitz, Supervisor-266.5040
Vicki Gates, Clerk-510.2597
Brandy Myers, Treasurer-970.9030
                                                Sharon Young, Trustee-266.8432
                                    John Fairbanks, Trustee-266.8023
J. Fairbanks-motion to approve MARCH 11, 2014 Budget Workshop minutes; S. Young seconded; passed 5-0
J. Fairbanks-motion to approve MARCH 11, 2014 Regular meeting minutes; S. Young seconded; passed 5-0

Board Member Reports:
   L. Fitz, Supervisor
1.      Jay Syerwicze will be working up an estimate for the culverts on 11 ½ mile road per the Lake County Road Commission
2.      Split rail fence-S. Young-motion to allow Pat Boik to remove the fence in front of the township hall at no expense to the township; J. Fairbanks seconded; passed 5-0
3.      Township sign-Dave McIntire will create an Elk Township sign, est. 1874 with two gift certificates from L. Fitz-S. Young-motion to allow Dave McIntire to create such sign; J. Fairbanks seconded; passed 5-0

   V. Gates, Clerk
1.      Budget work with L. Fitz
2.      May 6 Special Election saw 39 out of 281 qualified voters
3.      Requesting Board approval on bills paid in March-L. Fitz-motion to approve bills paid; B. Myers seconded; passed 5-0
4.      Requesting Board approval on bills paid in April-L. Fitz-motion to approve bills paid; B. Myers seconded; passed 5-0
5.      Correspondence: Insurance on property is due; some discussion on asking the company to reassess our coverage due to renovations; Free Fishing weekend is June 7 & 8; there will be a public hearing on the Lake County Emergency Telephone Plan on July 9th @ 2pm in the Lake County Commissioners Room

B. Myers, Treasurer
Read Treasurer’s report for April: J. Fairbanks-motion to accept Treasurer’s report; S. Young seconded; passed 5-0

S. Young, Trustee
            Lake County Area Townships Association upcoming meeting will be held on Aug 28th @ Pinora @ 7:30pm; and S. Young offered the use of Elk Township Hall on Oct 23rd

J. Fairbanks, Trustee
            Mentioned that the US Supreme Court ruled that prayers by governmental entities are Constitutional after the meeting is opened;           J. Fairbanks-motion to allow a prayer to be offered at our meetings after the meeting is opened; S. Young seconded; passed 5-0

Public Comments:
Austin McIntire discussed his Eagle Scout project: a fire pit with benches & plaque to be created @ our park area @ township hall (hopes to complete project around June 16th); he is at the point of soliciting donations for his project (information may be obtained during office hours, Thursdays 8am-12noon)

Dignitary Reports:
·        County Commissioner-J. Fairbanks: Clean Sweep will be held again this year in Baldwin @ the Wenger Pavilion on October 11, 2014 (includes household hazardous waste disposal); MSU Extension will be hosting technology classes for youth June 18th-June 20th ; there are 1361 parcels in Lake County’s “land bank” which may be purchased from the County; J. Fairbanks presented a folder of existing MSU Extension services
·        Fire Dept-Marilyn Zdebski:  fire department report given
·        Road Committee-S. Young: report given
·        Cemetery-S. Young: report given
·        Historical Society-Joyce Durdel: the Historical Society will be meeting Tuesday, May 20th @ 10am, and will continue to meet each month on the 3rd Tuesday
·        Assessor-Bob Englebrecht: thanks the Board for renewing his contract, including a raise

Old Business:
·        Resolutions:
1.      Annual Elk Township Monthly Meeting & Board of Review Schedule-J. Fairbanks-motion to adopt; S. Young seconded; passed 5-0 by roll call vote
2.      Records Retention Schedule- J. Fairbanks-motion to adopt; S. Young seconded; passed 5-0 by roll call vote
3.      Policy for Timely Payment of Bills and Wages- J. Fairbanks-motion to adopt; S. Young seconded; passed 5-0 by roll call vote
4.      Special Assessment District (SAD) within the Boundaries of Elk Township- J. Fairbanks-motion to adopt; L. Fitz seconded; passed 5-0 by roll call vote
5.      Guidelines for a “Closed Session” of the Elk Township Board-S. Young-motion to adopt; B. Myers seconded; passed 5-0 by roll call vote
6.      Non-Zoning Ordinance Adoption Procedure for General Law Townships-S. Young-motion to adopt; B. Myers seconded; passed 5-0 by roll call vote
7.      Policy for Private Road Improvements using a SAD-S. Young-motion to adopt; L. Fitz seconded; passed 4-1 by roll call vote (with J. Fairbanks dissenting)
8.      Compensation Policy for Elk Township Appointed Positions and Non-Statutory Additional Duties for Elected Township Officials-V. Gates-motion to adopt @ $12/hour; S. Young seconded; passed 4-1 by roll call vote (with J. Fairbanks dissenting)
S. Young-motion to pay election workers $12/hour for the recent election; B. Myers seconded; motion failed 1-4 by roll call vote (V. Gates voting Yes)
L. Fitz-motion to pay election workers $10/hour and Board of Review members $10/hour for training; J. Fairbanks seconded; passed 5-0 by roll call vote
·        FYI: Trash Cleanup Day is June 7th @ 9 am- 1pm  @ Skinner Park (as usual bring tax statement)
·        FYI: Trash Removal Survey for Special Assessment District was a resounding no
·        Dan Holland from Lake County Equalization office discussed the Countywide aerial mapping; our existing aerials are almost 9 years old; bids were obtained from different companies; monetary participation is voluntary for the townships; if passed by County the “fly over” could by Spring of 2015; L. Fitz-motion to table this item until further information can be obtained (to be addressed in June); J. Fairbanks seconded; passed 5-0

New Business:
·        Discussed how road projects get initiated in our township & county
·        Discussed the Boy Scouts helping during our Annual Trash Cleanup Day-S. Young-motion not to involve  the Boy Scouts this year; V. Gates seconded; passed 5-0
·        Discussed the Lake County’s request for $3000 to purchase one of two culverts needed on Brooks road-J. Fairbanks-motion to purchase 1 culvert @ $3000 from the Elk Township Road Millage Fund; L. Fitz seconded; passed 5-0 by roll call vote
·        Discussed having a float in the 40th Annual Flea Roast/Ox Market parade; L. Fitz will work with Johnny Gates on such
·        Parking lot proposal from Tim Fischer-S. Young-motion to accept bid from the Fischer Corporation @ $2250 to “fix” the parking lot; B. Myers seconded; passed 4-1 by roll call vote (with J. Fairbanks dissenting)
·        Discussion of Big Bass Lake SAD questions regarding payments to Elk & Sauble Treasurers; it was mutually decided that since the Elk Township Resolution did not provide for payments to the Treasurers, and since Elk Township is administering the contracts & permits as well as writing all the checks for the SAD, we could not retroactively pay the Treasurers for receiving payments
·        Elk Township Historical Society-S. Young-motion to establish Saturday, August 23, 2014 from
 3-7pm as a Centennial Celebration for the Hall; J. Fairbanks seconded; passed 5-0

Public Comment: none

S. Young-motion to adjourn; J. Fairbanks seconded; all in favor

Adjourned @ 9:35pm

Respectfully submitted,

Vicki Gates, Clerk       