Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Regular Meeting Time Changed to 7pm

July 14, 2009

Pledge began at 5 pm with all board members present. 14 citizens were also present along with the township assessor.
Approval of June 9th minutes offered by Fairbanks, seconded and passed by all board members.
Arquette made motion to accept open forum minutes of June 9th, seconded and passed.

Treasurer’s Report accepted in motion by VanVleet, with VanDolsen seconding, and passed by all present.
Bob Engelbrecht, assessor, reported that there is one tax tribunal pending.
No Clerk report.
Super report:
o Gerald Seymour was sworn in as an alternate for Board of Review and an election worker.
o Lp costs for the year discussed, and VanDolsen made motion to prepay Lp at $1.69 from Irons Bottle Gas, seconded and approved.
o Next year’s revenue sharing will be cut again approx 4.9%, and PILT (payment in lieu of taxes) will be cut 20%.
o June 20th found VanDolsen meeting with Ron Monroe, from DNR, and Big Bass Lake Assn. to discuss renovations/ improvements to the public access on Big Bass Lake (up to 9 new parking sites may be added).
o VanDolsen met with Aquatic Drs on June 2nd; they will be doing another lake treatment on Bass Lake end of July.

Marilyn Zdebski, fire board chairman, report:
o 126 total runs for the current year.
o Martha Misener, fire board treasurer, has resigned and Draper took over as an elected treasurer for the fire dept.
o Fire Dept staffed first aid booth at the Flea Roast on a volunteer basis.
o There will be a FREE blood pressure clinic on the 1st Sat of every month at the station in Irons.
o Great Lakes Energy gave a grant of $1200 for a thermal imaging device.
o Fireman’s Ball is Aug. 1st at the IATA (Flea Roast site).
o Chief Elenbaas has requested public not burn during windy days.

No correspondence.

Public Comment:
Jackie McKellar dislikes the meeting time of 5pm and requested the board take an informal vote of those present as to a change of time (9 citizens would like it changed back to original time of 7pm). She further asked about brining as there is not much on 11 ½ mile rd.
Sharon Puff stated there is only spotty brining on River rd.
Ann Chase addressed an alternative solution for the milfoil problem on Big Bass Lake, that of a naturally occurring weevil. There are thousands of feet of undeveloped shoreline where these weevils can survive. Chase made it clear she was not criticizing the board because they acted in good faith, but is still concerned about lack of information. What oversight does the board have? VanDolsen replied that the board’s responsibility is to collect the fee & monitor the contract.
Charlie Stegmeyer would like to see postings at K & K again.

Old Biz:
o Trash Day was successful with 9 dumpsters filled, and requests for more trash days in the future.

New Biz:
o Expansion of Public Access-this is in Sauble twp so we do not have any jurisdiction. Fairbanks stated he would be willing to work on a letter to the state requesting no further expansion of the access since the lake is so busy. VanDolsen said she would work on a letter to Sauble.
o Dissolution of the CAC (Citizen’s Advisory Committee)-Arquette made a motion to dissolve the CAC, VanVleet seconded…on to discussion:
Arquette would like to see this committee broken up
Draper disagreed with dissolving the committee because they are experienced and work well together.
Fairbanks agreed with Draper.
VanDolsen dislikes standing committees for government bodies because “they stifle diversity in the community”.
VanVleet would like to see the committee split apart and utilized on other committees.
Vote: Aye to dissolve: VanDolsen & VanVleet, Nays: Fairbanks, Arquette, Draper; therefore, the motion failed.
o Process for forming committees-Fairbanks disagrees with zoning and would like ordinances; VanDolsen would like to see 3-5 people on a planning committee; Fairbanks asked about the scope of such a committee.
o Committees to be formed-Draper suggested using the CAC for investigation of stimulus funds, trash days, planning/ zoning, and road safety/ maintenance. After much discussion of the scope and mission statements of committees, Fairbanks made a motion to appoint Vicki Gates and Sharon Puff to the CAC, VanDolsen seconded and it passed. Draper made a motion to charge the CAC to look into the above 4 ideas, VanDolsen seconded and it passed.
o Cemetery Board-formed with Beth Ruby, from Sauble, and Pete Shakinas and Phil VanVleet, from Elk, with Marilyn VanVleet overseeing. VanDolsen made motion for M. VanVleet to oversee cemetery board, Draper seconded and it passed. They are still looking for another volunteer from Sauble.
o Liability Insurance Renewal-Aug 1st due date.
Fairbanks made motion to approve insurance renewal, seconded and approved.

Commissioner’s Report by Phil Maiville:
Invitation to all Republicans and Democrats to attend the Democratic Picnic at the Senior Center, Sat, July 18th, from 3-5pm.
John Fairbanks has agreed to run for next term of commissioner in Maiville’s place.

Public Comments:
Jackie McKellar asked why the general fund is going down… Draper answered that income has decreased and interest rates have also gone down, while expenses have gone up.
Harry Mead discussed building renovations without money from the people.
Lou Fitz mentioned the CAC investigated grants in the past and there was no money for building twp halls although there is money to furnish such; he further recommended a liaison from the board to work with the CAC; and asked for the meeting time to be moved to 7pm.
Johnel Buckingham requested the board to move the meeting time.
Draper made a motion to change the meeting time to 7pm, seconded by Arquette, and approved with VanVleet voting against.

Arquette motioned to adjourn, seconded, and passed.