Monday, March 16, 2009

March 10, 2009

Pledge began at 7 pm with all officers present and accounted for.

Approval of minutes with amendments offered by John Fairbanks, seconded by Carol Draper and passed by all.

Treasurer’s Report accepted in motion by Marilyn VanVleet, with Linda VanDolsen seconding, and passed by all.
Treasurer, Carol Draper made mention that revenue sharing looks like it will be left as is by Governor Granholm.

Report for Bob Engelbrecht, assessor, given by VanDolsen:
Assessor met with board on Feb 3 for a workshop, and again for 2009 assessments with the board; March 5th was a Board of Review organizational meeting, and March 9th Board of Review was hearing appeals and complaints; there will be one more Board of Review meeting in March.

Marilyn VanVleet, Clerk, mentioned in her report that she will be upgrading PeachTree including payroll and hopes to save $3,000/yr by such upgrade.

Commissioner was absent.

Marilyn Zdebski, fire board chairman, gave report:
2 heaters will be replaced at St. 1
1 new firefighter came on board who is already a certified trainer
2010 millages will be up for a vote Dec 2010
(didn’t we already vote on fire millages…hmmm)

Linda VanDolsen has a long supervisor’s report (as usual):
There was an ORV meeting in Baldwin and maps are to be finalized with trails from Chase to Irons; there is also supposed to be an annual review with comments accepted (by whom?); signage for trails was discussed by the board, as signs cost $68/ea and Elk Twp has voted to close all roads.
VanDolsen went on to report that the Lk Cty Commissioners are considering $22,000 for EKGs on ambulances which would be additional funds beyond the $63,000 already spent on EKGs;
The Sheriffs dept will be purchasing 6 extra tasers (so be very careful).

Under Old Biz:
The board voted to adopt a new and improved resolution to create a Special Assessment District (SAD) for Bass Lk under Public Act 188, sec. 3, for the “control and partial eradication of aquatic weeds by chemical and/or biological means.”
VanDolsen herself offered the resolution to the board, seconded by John Fairbanks, and passed unanimously.
The board set a Public Hearing on the SAD for March 28th at 10am. (This date is also the annual mtg date, whose time is 2 pm)
Each record owner of property on Big Bass Lake is suppose to be notified by mail prior to this Public Hearing.

Under New Biz:
1) Proposed ’09-’10 Budget- a long discussion which did not include the residents (of course), and at the end of which it was decided that VanVleet would make an amendment list to approve at the March 28th annual mtg (2pm). VanDolsen moved to accept the amended ’09-’10 budget, Fairbanks seconded, and Carol Draper voted No, motion passed.

2) Metro Act Right-of-Way- Carol Draper made motion to accept ATT Metro Act, seconded by VanDolsen, and passed.

3) Sale of office equipment- Draper made motion to allow for a sale of twp used office equipment on March 28th after the annual mtg (2pm) per weather conditions, Francis Arquette seconded, and motion passed.

4) Newsletter for summer taxes- board will have ready by June 1st and hopes to include Trash Day, July 11th; Poverty Exemption process; Dates of Elections, Meeting dates, and office hours; Forms available for property splits and other things; ORV status; and board members phone #s.

5) Twp Board Mtg time change- Arquette made motion to change mtg times to 5pm beginning in May, VanVleet seconded, and it passed with Fairbanks voting No.

6) Last appeals for Board of Review mtg will be March 14th from 3-9pm.

Various Public Comments were given including wishes of residents and taxpayers to see the completed budget before the annual mtg, VanVleet made motion to make budget available to the public March 26th, Draper seconded and it passed with VanDolsen voting No. Other comments concerned the meeting time change which would disallow many working residents from attending (is this the true desire of the board?).