Monday, November 21, 2011


No office hours this week...

It's Just a Joke...

An elderly woman lived on a small farm in Michigan, just a few feet from the Indiana border. Their land had been the subject of a minor dispute between the two states for years. The widowed woman lived on the Michigan farm with her son and three grandchildren.
One day her son came into her room holding a letter. "I just got some news, Mom," he said, "The federal government has reached an agreement between the two states and they've decided that our land is really a part of Indiana. We have the right to approve or disapprove of the agreement. What do you think?"
"What do I think?" his mom said, "Sign it! Call them right now and tell them we accept. I don't think I can stand another Michigan winter."

It's All Official now...and the skinny from the 1st Official Meeting...Nov 16, 2011

  • Douglas Mann, supervisor, commended all who came out to vote on November 8th, for a total voter turn out of 40% 
  • Vicki Gates, clerk, asked about bids for snowplowing, after discussion, it was requested she put an ad in the Star & Bulletin Board News soliciting bids for snowplowing
  • Sharon Young, trustee, reported that there will be a cemetery board meeting February 6th  @ 3pm @ Sauble twp; the cemetery survey is completed; there is a recommendation that the sexton position & maintenance position be combined for the cemetery next spring; the cemetery board is requesting a copy of all cemetery time sheets for the year
  •  ORV survey has been copied & folded, and is awaiting tax bills
  •   Whetherall has completed the cemetery survey for Ward B & North Point
  • Directional signs-S. Young obtained directional signs for Bass Lake & 11 Mile Rds, Bass Lake & 12 Mile Rds, 12 Mile & Boschem Rds (signage to M-55), and Charlie Young installed them today (Nov 16th)
  •             Heritage Bay paving project: $171,615.95 Elk Twp costs  
      J. Fairbanks discussed a shovel ready project for 6 mile road: $13,100
    Allied Waste-we pay $68/mo for a dumpster which is rarely ever used: J. Fairbanks-motion to get rid of Allied Waste dumpster, S. Young seconded; all in favor
     Lots of good discussion with the audience participation! Thanks all of Elk Township for a great election & a great meeting!
    Next meeting: December 13th @ 7pm, same place...

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Next Meeting...

Next meeting with the new board will be November 16, 2011 since the second Tuesday was the election, and the next Tuesday is a State Holiday: Opening Day of Deer Season-Guns allowed.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


DOUGLAS MANN - 212 votes
Jeff Riggs - 107 votes

VICKI GATES - 147 votes
Lori Leach - 99 votes
Melissa Kasarskis - 78 votes

SHARON YOUNG - 134 votes
Craig Stapley - 123 votes
Jackie McKellar - 67 votes


Saturday, November 5, 2011

Absentee Voting Monday, November 7th

Just to let you know that the Clerk will be at the Township Hall from 9am-4pm on Monday for any qualified voter who want to vote in person via Absentee Ballot:
You must be 60 years, or older....
You find that you won't be able to vote in person on Tues, November 8th
come in between 9-4 on Monday, and fill out an Absentee Ballot

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Well, it's about time...

New law for small town fire chiefs

Legislation has been enacted into law that will allow township officials or employees to also take on the responsibilities of fire chief in communities of less than 3,000 residents. Public Act 196 has immediate effect. The law was proposed by Rep. Paul Muxlow (R-Burnside Twp.). The legislation was offered in response to a situation in his district where the best candidate for the position of fire chief also happened to be employed by the local village. The new law specifies that the position of fire chief is not an incompatible position with anyone who is an employee or officer of a city, village, township or county with a population of less than 3,000 residents.
-from Michigan Township Association

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

October 11th Meeting a real boon...

With over 100  people showing up for a township meeting, I wondered if I was in the right precinct.
The meeting was mostly casual & relaxed, but John Fairbanks did a great job of moderating the proceedings because the Supervisor, Douglas Mann, was out of town with a previous family commitment.

Highlights of the meeting:
Election workers approved for November 8th election:
Sharyn McGreehan, Republican
Pat Bishop-Democrat
Sharon Puff-No party affiliation

ORV Informational meeting turned over to Dave Kott-speakers included Mike Newmann, Staff Sergeant & Rec Enforcement of Lake County Sheriff Dept; Larry Collier, Lake County Board of Commissioners Chair; Bill Gillard, Sauble twp supervisor; and Charlie Young, Lake County Road Commission

Most of those in attendance were for the opening up of the roads in Elk Township, therefore...

J. Fairbanks-motion to insert a questionnaire in the outgoing winter tax statements to all taxpayers of Elk twp, simple & clear:
“Do you want to open county maintained roads in Elk Township…Yes, or No”
V. Gates seconded, all in favor, so a letter will be included in the winter tax statements going out the end of November

Next regularly scheduled meeting will be November 16th, so as not to coincide with the election or opening day of rifle season...
Happy Hunting & don't forget to Vote!

Monday, September 26, 2011

More UpComing News

About 30 neighbors came out for the September meeting, and a lot of ground was covered. October's meeting may very well be even better attended as the ORV policy for Elk Township will be on the agenda again. Come on out and air your views.
Other news:
  • October 11th is the last day to register to vote for the upcoming Nov 8th election
  • Office hours remain Thursdays between 9-1
  • November 8th meeting date changed due to the election- J. Fairbanks-motion to move meeting date to November 16th