To Elk Township Citizens:
After the 2011-2012 Annual Budget Meeting and the Annual Meeting, the Elk Township Board held a “Special Meeting for Proposed Building Project” today, March 26, 2011. The results of that meeting follows:
1) The Board presented three separate building plans representing possible choices of construction.
2) The citizens present were allowed to ask questions or comment about each building. (Most questions and interest was with John Fairbanks’ presentation.)
3) A “vote” of hands was called for by Supervisor VanDolsen to learn which building the citizens present thought to be the best for Elk Township residents.
3 votes were cast for the smallest of the buildings presented
4 votes were cast for the largest of the buildings presented
9 votes were cast for the building/addition presented by John Fairbanks that would be attached to the existing Township Hall
Immediately following the citizens’ vote:
4) A motion was made by Trustee, Frances Arquette to build the largest of the building plans presented (the one that got 4 votes of the citizens)
This motion was seconded by Secretary, Marilyn VanVleet
No discussion was asked for by Supervisor, VanDolsen
A role call vote was taken as follows:
Supervisor VanDolsen – yes
Trustee Arquette – yes
Secretary VanVleet – yes
Trustee Fairbanks – no
Treasurer Draper – no
The motion passed 3-2.
5) The “Special Meeting” was immediately adjourned.