Wednesday, October 26, 2011

October 11th Meeting a real boon...

With over 100  people showing up for a township meeting, I wondered if I was in the right precinct.
The meeting was mostly casual & relaxed, but John Fairbanks did a great job of moderating the proceedings because the Supervisor, Douglas Mann, was out of town with a previous family commitment.

Highlights of the meeting:
Election workers approved for November 8th election:
Sharyn McGreehan, Republican
Pat Bishop-Democrat
Sharon Puff-No party affiliation

ORV Informational meeting turned over to Dave Kott-speakers included Mike Newmann, Staff Sergeant & Rec Enforcement of Lake County Sheriff Dept; Larry Collier, Lake County Board of Commissioners Chair; Bill Gillard, Sauble twp supervisor; and Charlie Young, Lake County Road Commission

Most of those in attendance were for the opening up of the roads in Elk Township, therefore...

J. Fairbanks-motion to insert a questionnaire in the outgoing winter tax statements to all taxpayers of Elk twp, simple & clear:
“Do you want to open county maintained roads in Elk Township…Yes, or No”
V. Gates seconded, all in favor, so a letter will be included in the winter tax statements going out the end of November

Next regularly scheduled meeting will be November 16th, so as not to coincide with the election or opening day of rifle season...
Happy Hunting & don't forget to Vote!