Monday, February 27, 2012
Thursday, February 16, 2012
February 14, 2012
Douglas Mann, supervisor, asked Johnny Gates to offer a prayer for guidance at 6:59pm
He then called the meeting to order at 7:00pm with Clerk, Vicki Gates, leading the Pledge of Allegiance
Members present:
Douglas Mann, Supervisor
Vicki Gates, Clerk
Carol Draper, Treasurer
John Fairbanks, Trustee
Members absent: Sharon Young, Trustee
Public Comments for future consideration-none
J. Fairbanks-motion to approve January 10, 2012 minutes, C. Draper-seconded; all in favor
Treasurer’s Report-C. Draper (attached): J. Fairbanks-motion to accept the treasurer’s report, V. Gates seconded; all in favor; treasurer will be accepting property tax payments with 1% interest until March 1, 2012, after that property taxes must be paid to the county with interest
Clerk’s Report-V. Gates (attached): J. Fairbanks-motion to approve the bills, D. Mann seconded; all in favor
D. Mann-motion to accept the precinct inspectors for the Presidential Primary:
Kay Macdonald, Republican
Pat Bishop, Democrat
Sharon Puff, Independent
Vicki Gates, Independent
C. Draper-seconded; all in favor
Correspondence: Letter/email read from MTA (Michigan Township Association) relating that the state does not have the ability to withhold any constitutional revenue sharing due the townships no matter how much cash reserves they show, and MTA will continue to monitor the state’s reach
Letter to Jim Abbott read expressing the board’s appreciation for making & labeling the garbage collection box placed at the corner of 10 ½ mile & Granger Rds for yellow bags, at his own cost
Dignitary Reports
· Fire Dept- given by Marilyn Zdebski (attached)
· Commissioner-J. Fairbanks discussed upcoming 911 millage vote; and stated the commissioners will be adopting the ORV ordinance at their upcoming March 22nd meeting
· Cemetery- D. Mann discussed the roundtable talk from the last cemetery board meeting; J. Fairbanks-motion to accept Blossom Fairbanks resignation from the cemetery board, C. Draper seconded; all in favor
J. Fairbanks-motion to appoint Donna Kott to the cemetery board, V. Gates seconded; all in favor
D. Mann will contact MTA to see if we must legally seek bids on the old tractor that has a bent shaft
Supervisor-D. Mann: there have been two townhall style meetings concerning a small hall renovation using existing monies, but no money has been spent to date; as a courtesy, the supervisor would like to be apprised of any materials passed out at meetings; a new light has been installed at the back of the township hall (at no charge); a budget meeting/workshop is scheduled for March 15th at 10am at the township hall; and he reminds the public there will be an annual meeting March 31st at 10am at the township hall
Old Business
· Commercial Property Evaluation-assessor has looked at all properties on the list in question except for Enchanted Acres because he was denied access to the property by the owner; J. Fairbanks-motion to direct the supervisor to direct the assessor to turn the property of Enchanted Acres into 100% commercial property and they will have the opportunity to go to the Board of Review, C. Draper seconded; roll call vote: C. Draper, Yes; J. Fairbanks, Yes; D. Mann, No; V. Gates, Yes-motion passed
· Payment to Dennis VanVleet-the board has learned it needs contracts for all workers, and supervisory controls should be in place; board has instructed the clerk to pay this outstanding bill
· Yellow Bag Trash Pick Up Sites-board is looking for volunteers to construct more boxes to be used at various locations around the township
· Technology updating-assessor would like to purchase a laptop computer for $975 which will be used for township business for the assessor and remain the property of Elk Township; the treasurer will shop around for herself; V. Gates-motion to allow the assessor & treasurer to purchase their own computers, not to exceed $1,000/each, and bills to be submitted in the next fiscal year beginning April 1st; C. Draper seconded; all in favor
New Business
· C. Draper requested that V. Gates put a disclaimer on her blog that this is not an official website; V. Gates has agreed to do so with the understanding that this is not necessary as it is a personal blog with personal opinions
· Request from Marilyn Zdebski to subsidize Sauble’s recycling program: D. Mann will look in to this
· Security of the hall: J. Fairbanks will look into a keyless entry and/or a new door
V. Gates-motion to adjourn, C. Draper seconded; all in favor
Respectfully submitted,
Vicki Gates, Clerk
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