March 31, 2012
Douglas Mann, supervisor, called the meeting to order with Clerk, Vicki Gates, leading the Pledge of Allegiance
Members present:
Douglas Mann, Supervisor
Vicki Gates, Clerk
Carol Draper, Treasurer
Sharon Young, Trustee
John Fairbanks, Trustee
Minutes-motion to approve Annual Budget minutes from March 26, 2011, offered by J. Fairbanks, S. Young-seconded; all in favor
Salary Resolutions-all to remain the same as last year
Supervisor-$8,500, motion offered by John Gorys, seconded by Phil VanVleet, passed
Treasurer-$11,500, motion offered by Phil VanVleet, seconded by Charlie Young, passed
Clerk-$9,500, motion offered by Charlie Young, seconded by John Gorys, passed
Trustees remain as a Per Diem/Per Day wage @ $95 as reflected in the budget
Proposed budget for 2012-2013 fiscal year, beginning April 1, 2012 (see attached)
Various public comments ensued
J. Fairbanks offered motion to approve budget, S. Young seconded, all in favor
Adjourn-motion to adjourn offered by J. Fairbanks, V. Gates seconded; all in favor
Respectfully submitted,
Vicki Gates, Clerk
March 31, 2012
Douglas Mann, supervisor, called the meeting to order with Clerk, Vicki Gates, leading the Pledge of Allegiance
Members present:
Douglas Mann, Supervisor
Vicki Gates, Clerk
Carol Draper, Treasurer
Sharon Young, Trustee
John Fairbanks, Trustee
Minutes-motion to approve Annual Meeting minutes of March 26, 2011 offered by S. Young, J. Fairbanks seconded; all in favor
Treasurer’s Report-C. Draper (attached): S. Young-motion to accept the treasurer’s report, V. Gates seconded; all in favor
Dignitary Reports
· Fire Dept- Webber Twp Fire Dept, Open House, Saturday, April 21st, 12-6pm @ Fire Station
· Road Commission-Charlie Young-engineer met with the DEQ for the 6 mile rd project, and they did not see any issues; Wilcox is completing the testing report and will send a basic estimate
· Commissioner-John Fairbanks-various issues at the county level
Supervisor-D. Mann-State of the Township report & a big thanks to the Board of Review for all their efforts
Trustees-S. Young-believes the township board has worked well together & that the budget looks good
Public Comment-Rob Brenner spoke because he believes he was wronged by the Board of Review
Adjourn-motion offered by S. Young, V. Gates seconded; all in favor
Respectfully submitted,
Vicki Gates, Clerk