May 8, 2012
Douglas Mann, supervisor, asked Johnny Gates to offer a prayer for
guidance at 7pm
He then called the meeting to order with Clerk, Vicki Gates, leading
the Pledge of Allegiance
Members present:
Mann, Supervisor
Gates, Clerk
Draper, Treasurer
Young, Trustee
John Fairbanks, Trustee
Public Comments for future consideration-none
S. Young-motion to approve March 13, 2012 minutes, V. Gates-seconded;
all in favor
Treasurer’s Report-C. Draper (attached): J. Fairbanks-motion to accept the
treasurer’s report, S. Young seconded; all in favor
Clerk’s Report-V. Gates (attached): J. Fairbanks-motion to approve the
bills for March & April, S. Young seconded; all in favor
Baird, Cotter & Bishop (accountants)-audit
is scheduled for June 11, 2012 @ 8:30am
Lake County Road Commission-authorized brining
for the coming year @ up to $5,000
Dignitary Reports
Fire Dept- Marilyn Zdebski (attached)-special
thanks to whoever dropped off the Gatorade for the firefighters
Commissioner-J. Fairbanks-please vote for the
911 millage renewal; the county is
looking into turning over lands where the present MSU Extension & Chamber
of Commerce building is located to the historical society for the purpose of
constructing a museum in Baldwin
Cemetery- S.Young, liaison-the next cemetery board
meeting will be August 6, 2012 @ Sauble @ 3pm;
a big “thanks” goes out to J. Fairbanks for planting 136 pine tree (donated)
in the cemetery to define the grave sites as people have been driving over 20
graves; the cemetery board would like to have a Martin Johnson memorial to be
paid for with donations; the old tractor was sold as scrap, then bought back by
J. Fairbanks to give to Pete Shakinas (prior sexton/maintenance worker); a
recommendation has come from the cemetery board to combine the sexton &
lawn maintenance positions into a one-person position, as it used to be in the
near past; S. Young made a motion to confirm the cemetery board’s
recommendation to combine the sexton/maintenance positions into one position,
V. Gates seconded, all in favor
Supervisor-D. Mann-thanks to Lou Fitz & J. Fairbanks for cleaning
up the township grounds; fire permits may be obtained online @ www.michigandnr.com/burnpermits,
or by calling 1.866.922.2876
Trustees-J. Fairbanks-the engineering report from Wilcox indicates 28
feet of muck in the six-mile road investigation, and would cost $400,000 to fix
correctly; it was decided to request Wilcox to attend another township meeting
to narrow down our options; suggestion that the Board of Review members attend
a refresher class
S. Young-attended a Township Association Meeting @ Sauble on April 26,
2012, and reports that 211 is up and running 24/7, this is a number to be
called concerning available community service information and volunteer
opportunities; August 23, 2012 will be the next Township Association meeting,
7:30pm @ Lake Twp
Action Items
Resolution and language approved for a road
millage renewal of .5 mill (one-half mill) to be placed on the August 7, 2012
ballot-J. Fairbanks made motion, C. Draper seconded, all in favor by roll call
vote; a big “thanks” goes out to Johnel Buckingham for help in the language
Supervisor looking into Trash Day date @ Skinner
Park (maybe July 21st, tba)
J. Fairbanks-motion to draft a letter to DNR
requesting Bluegill Lake designation as a “no motor lake”, S. Young seconded,
all in favor
J. Fairbanks-motion to create contracts &
job descriptions for janitorial, pest control, lawn maintenance @ twp hall
grounds, and snowplowing services, S. Young seconded, all in favor
Old Business
Park Project-J. Fairbanks made motion to allow
volunteers (under direction of Lou Fitz) to build wooden picnic tables, order
& install a grill, and trim trees north of the twp hall for the purpose of
providing a recreational park to be used by the community on twp grounds, S.
Young seconded, all in favor (this will be donated materials as well as labor)
D. Mann is seeking volunteers for an ad hoc
citizens advisory committee to look at road projects
Public Comment-Lou Fitz believes it is time to do something to renovate
the township building; J. Fairbanks would like to have an open town hall style
meeting to discuss options for renovating the building; Harry Mead believes we
should make up our minds of what we want to accomplish in regards to our
township building; Rob Brenner has complaints regarding the Board of Review and
how he was treated; Matt Forsyth requests if people have a problem concerning
his property on the corner of Brooks Rd & 12 Mile Rd, they should call him
All in favor to adjourn.
Respectfully submitted,
Vicki Gates, Clerk