Thursday, May 17, 2012

Road Millage Renewal

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ELK TOWNSHIP, LAKE COUNTY
August 2012

Shall ­­­­­­­­ELK Township impose an increase of up to .5 mills ($.50 per $1,000 of taxable value) in the tax limitation imposed under Article IX, Sec. 6 of the Michigan Constitution and levy it for five (5) year(s), 2013 to 2017, inclusive, for road improvements and maintenance, which .5-mill increase will raise an estimated $33,214 in 2013, the first year the millage is levied.

[    ]      Yes
[    ]      No

Thursday, May 10, 2012


The date for the yearly Trash Day/Clean Up has been scheduled for July 21, 2012 @ Skinner Park from 8am-1pm...volunteers welcome for unloading on that person is Douglas Mann, Supervisor

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Just a reminder that there is Recycling available at Sauble Twp on Saturdays from noon-4pm
May 8, 2012

Douglas Mann, supervisor, asked Johnny Gates to offer a prayer for guidance at 7pm
He then called the meeting to order with Clerk, Vicki Gates, leading the Pledge of Allegiance
Members present:         
                                                Douglas Mann, Supervisor
                                                Vicki Gates, Clerk
                                                Carol Draper, Treasurer
                                                Sharon Young, Trustee
                                                John Fairbanks, Trustee

Public Comments for future consideration-none

S. Young-motion to approve March 13, 2012 minutes, V. Gates-seconded; all in favor

Treasurer’s Report-C. Draper (attached): J. Fairbanks-motion to accept the treasurer’s report, S. Young seconded; all in favor

Clerk’s Report-V. Gates (attached): J. Fairbanks-motion to approve the bills for March & April, S. Young seconded; all in favor

·         Baird, Cotter & Bishop (accountants)-audit is scheduled for June 11, 2012 @ 8:30am
·         Lake County Road Commission-authorized brining for the coming year @ up to $5,000

Dignitary Reports
·         Fire Dept- Marilyn Zdebski (attached)-special thanks to whoever dropped off the Gatorade for the firefighters 
·         Commissioner-J. Fairbanks-please vote for the 911 millage renewal;  the county is looking into turning over lands where the present MSU Extension & Chamber of Commerce building is located to the historical society for the purpose of constructing a museum in Baldwin
·         Cemetery- S.Young, liaison-the next cemetery board meeting will be August 6, 2012 @ Sauble @ 3pm;  a big “thanks” goes out to J. Fairbanks for planting 136 pine tree (donated) in the cemetery to define the grave sites as people have been driving over 20 graves; the cemetery board would like to have a Martin Johnson memorial to be paid for with donations; the old tractor was sold as scrap, then bought back by J. Fairbanks to give to Pete Shakinas (prior sexton/maintenance worker); a recommendation has come from the cemetery board to combine the sexton & lawn maintenance positions into a one-person position, as it used to be in the near past; S. Young made a motion to confirm the cemetery board’s recommendation to combine the sexton/maintenance positions into one position, V. Gates seconded, all in favor

Supervisor-D. Mann-thanks to Lou Fitz & J. Fairbanks for cleaning up the township grounds; fire permits may be obtained online @, or by calling 1.866.922.2876

Trustees-J. Fairbanks-the engineering report from Wilcox indicates 28 feet of muck in the six-mile road investigation, and would cost $400,000 to fix correctly; it was decided to request Wilcox to attend another township meeting to narrow down our options; suggestion that the Board of Review members attend a refresher class

S. Young-attended a Township Association Meeting @ Sauble on April 26, 2012, and reports that 211 is up and running 24/7, this is a number to be called concerning available community service information and volunteer opportunities; August 23, 2012 will be the next Township Association meeting, 7:30pm @ Lake Twp

Action Items
·         Resolution and language approved for a road millage renewal of .5 mill (one-half mill) to be placed on the August 7, 2012 ballot-J. Fairbanks made motion, C. Draper seconded, all in favor by roll call vote; a big “thanks” goes out to Johnel Buckingham for help in the language wording
·         Supervisor looking into Trash Day date @ Skinner Park (maybe July 21st, tba)
·         J. Fairbanks-motion to draft a letter to DNR requesting Bluegill Lake designation as a “no motor lake”, S. Young seconded, all in favor
·         J. Fairbanks-motion to create contracts & job descriptions for janitorial, pest control, lawn maintenance @ twp hall grounds, and snowplowing services, S. Young seconded, all in favor
Old Business
·         Park Project-J. Fairbanks made motion to allow volunteers (under direction of Lou Fitz) to build wooden picnic tables, order & install a grill, and trim trees north of the twp hall for the purpose of providing a recreational park to be used by the community on twp grounds, S. Young seconded, all in favor (this will be donated materials as well as labor)

New Business
·         D. Mann is seeking volunteers for an ad hoc citizens advisory committee to look at road projects

Public Comment-Lou Fitz believes it is time to do something to renovate the township building; J. Fairbanks would like to have an open town hall style meeting to discuss options for renovating the building; Harry Mead believes we should make up our minds of what we want to accomplish in regards to our township building; Rob Brenner has complaints regarding the Board of Review and how he was treated; Matt Forsyth requests if people have a problem concerning his property on the corner of Brooks Rd & 12 Mile Rd, they should call him personally

All in favor to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted,

Vicki Gates, Clerk