August 14, 2012
Meeting opened with Clerk,
Vicki Gates, leading the Pledge of Allegiance
Members present: Vicki Gates, Clerk
Carol Draper, Treasurer
Sharon Young, Trustee
Fairbanks, Trustee
Members absent: Douglas Mann, Supervisor, due to a
family emergency & resulting travel to Arizona
V. Gates-motion to appoint
J. Fairbanks as moderator for this meeting, S. Young-seconded; all in favor
C. Draper-motion to
approve agenda with 2 additions to Action Items, S. Young-seconded; all in
Public Comments for future
J. Fairbanks-motion to
approve July 10, 2012 minutes, V. Gates-seconded; all in favor
Treasurer’s Report-C.
Draper: S. Young-motion to accept the treasurer’s report, J. Fairbanks seconded;
all in favor
Clerk’s Report-V. Gates: S.
Young-motion to approve the bills for July, J. Fairbanks seconded; all in favor
bid from Steve Riggs: J. Fairbanks-motion to accept contract (same as last
year) with Steve Riggs for snowplowing, C. Draper seconded; all in favor
C. Draper noted that
Mason-Lake Conservation District on US10 will be having a hazardous waste
collection this Sat, Aug 18th, from 9-2pm
Dignitary Reports:
Fire Dept- Marilyn Zdebski-we
have a new fire chief, Greg Bombich, who is doing a good job; new turnout gear
has been ordered; and Fireman’s Ball was a success
Commissioner-J. Fairbanks-the
new ambulance station in Baldwin is going forward, but bidding will have to be
discussed more due to costs; 911 millage & Dial-A-Ride millage passed
Cemetery- S.Young- the new
maps need lot #s shown, so they will need to be tweaked; volunteers are being
sought for a spring clean up for next year; the current well at the cemetery is
not functioning and J. Fairbanks has a quote for a new well from Peterson’s for
$4,341.67 (there is some dialogue with Sauble to pick up the cost since we
recently purchased a new lawn tractor); the next cemetery board meeting will be
in November @ Elk
Road Project Ad Hoc
Committee-S. Young-will meet for the first time Wed, Aug 15th @ 3pm
Supervisor-report given by
proxy-July 17th Board Of Review completed; Port-A-Pot is meeting a
need; front door secure & looks great; Trash/Clean Up day a success thanks
to all the volunteers & a scrap metal person, a Thank You card will go out
to Skinner Park/IATA for the use of their personnel & front end loader to compact
receptacles; new marquee is installed & also looks great
Trustees-S. Young-next
Township Association Meeting will be Aug 23rd @ 7:30pm @ Lake
Action Items
New flag pole discussed
and tabled
Trash bins discussed and
tabled in hopes that more people like Jeff Riggs will step forward and clean
& repair as needed voluntarily
Ron Mosher property @
Johnson Bridge discussed, but it was decided that since it is private property
the twp will remain neutral
New bulletin board for
minutes and announcements was discussed and tabled until more info is sought
Old Business
Softball volunteers are
sought for a game against Sauble Twp September 1st @ 3pm, bring a
dish to pass & Sauble will provide hot dogs, sloppy joes & drinks
New Business
V. Gates-motion giving permission
to J. Fairbanks to temporarily remove historical documents from Elk Twp hall to
a fire proof cabinet at his home, S. Young-seconded; all in favor
Public Comment-none
S. Young -motion to
adjourn, C. Draper seconded; all in favor
Respectfully submitted,
Vicki Gates, Clerk