Friday, September 28, 2012

Meet 'n Greet the twp candidates 2012


Meet the Candidates who will be on the November 6th ballot *

When:   Saturday, October 6, 2012
                         Time:   1:00 p.m.
                      Where:    Elk Township Hall

§  What topics interest you about our township? 
§  Do you have questions you would like to ask potential Board members?
§  Send your questions to……
     or mail them to………………...9332 W. 10 Mile Rd. (Irons, 49644)                    
§  Please include your name with your question.

After the question and answer period, candidates and citizens will have the chance mingle and talk one-on-one about topics that might not have been previously covered.

Please join us for this chance to get to know the candidate before you vote! 
We look forward to seeing you there!

* This time with candidates is not a time for debate.  It is a time to hear what a potential
Elk Township Board member thinks about a topic that is meaningful to you.

Question and answer time will be hosted by the out-going supervisor, Douglas Mann.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

September Regular Meeting

September 11, 2012

Meeting opened with Clerk, Vicki Gates, leading the Pledge of Allegiance
Members present:      Douglas Mann, Supervisor
Vicki Gates, Clerk
                                    Carol Draper, Treasurer
                                    Sharon Young, Trustee
                                    John Fairbanks, Trustee
Public Comments for future consideration-none

Candidates running for office acknowledged: Bob Hilts, Sheriff; Bill Atkinson, County Road Commission
Johnel Buckingham spoke about an upcoming “Meet ‘n Greet”, for all township candidates on Oct 6th @ 1pm @ Twp Hall (she is requesting questions from residents to ask the candidates, call 616.328.7879, or 231.729.3253)

J. Fairbanks-motion to approve August 14, 2012 minutes, S. Young-seconded; passed

Treasurer’s Report-C. Draper: S. Young-motion to accept the treasurer’s report, J. Fairbanks seconded; all in favor; Treasurer will have office hours this Friday, Sept 14th, from 9-5pm as this is the last day to pay property taxes without penalty

Clerk’s Report-V. Gates: J. Fairbanks-motion to approve the bills for August, S. Young-seconded; passed

Correspondence-there will be a county wide recount for road commissioner on Thursday, Sept 13th, so V. Gates, Clerk, will not be in the office that day; income tax withholding for employees should be adjusted Oct 1, 2012 to 4.25%, and the personal exemption adjusted to $3950 until Dec 31, 2013

METRO-some discussion ensued concerning the METRO Act monies, and it was decided to table this issue for a month so that board members could research where these monies should be accounted

Dignitary Reports:
Fire Dept- Lou Fitz-Ron Rocho is the new assistant Fire Chief
Commissioner-J. Fairbanks-none
Cemetery- S.Young- the new maps need lot #s shown, J. Fairbanks will take care of labeling the map; volunteers are being sought for a spring clean up for next year; the current well at the cemetery is not functioning but considering the weather, S. Young-motion to table the well until spring, D. Mann seconded, roll call vote: S. Young-Yes, J. Fairbanks-Yes, V. Gates-Yes, D. Mann-Yes, C. Draper-No; motion passed; the next cemetery board meeting will be November 5th  @ Elk
Road Project Committee-S. Young-committee will be doing a drive through areas that have come up for discussion; all roads were brined before Labor Day; committee will meet next Wed, Sept 19th @ 7pm

Supervisor-public officials retain “Freedom of speech” and may purchase ads personally for anything they choose
Big shout out to Lou Fitz & Jeff Riggs for the stump removal @ the twp hall, S. Young-motion to reimburse Jeff Riggs for gas costs, D. Mann-seconded; passed
Port-A-Pot is meeting a need, and D. Mann suggests renewing their contract for the spring
Front door & back door secure, and D. Mann gave V. Gates, clerk, his keys & memory stick for safekeeping for next Supervisor

Trustees-S. Young-spoke with Jon Bumstead, Representative, concerning Bluegill Lake achieving a “No motors” lake status, J. Bumstead indicated that he had spoken with the DNR and their ruling stands (denied); Lake County & Webber twp are looking for donations for a Family Youth Park located on M-37 north of Baldwin in Webber twp (donations may be sent to: Treasurer, Webber Township, marked “Park Donation”, P.O. Box 939, Baldwin, MI 49304); a hazardous waste collection will be held north of Baldwin on Oct 13th from 9-12noon; next Township Association Meeting will be Oct 25th @ 7:30pm @ Pinora Township

Action Items
J. Fairbanks-motion to accept the tax rates for the L-4029 document that goes to the county, V. Gates--seconded; passed (general operating .6667; roads .3994; fire equipment .7991; fire operating .7991)
D. Mann-motion to approve Oct 4, 2012 @ 10am for the public accuracy test for the tabulator used in the election, C. Draper--seconded; passed by Election Commission (Supervisor, Clerk, Treasurer)
S. Young-motion to purchase a 4-drawer fire resistant safe for important documents, V. Gates--seconded; motion & second withdrawn after discussion (it was decided to allow J. Fairbanks to keep the historical documents in a fire resistant safe at his house, but the Supervisor, D. Mann voiced concern that the Elk Twp historical documents should be returned to the twp hall when possible)
J. Fairbanks-motion to allow V. Gates to purchase an outdoor bulletin board, not to exceed $300, S. Young--seconded; passed
S. Young-motion to allow Jim Abbott to build and fix the garbage collection receptacles with reimbursement up to $400, C. Draper--seconded; passed

Old Business
Installation of lighting for the new parking area: discussion, no action

New Business
Wiring inside building, still questioning the safety of the town hall due to the age of the wiring

Public Comment-Johnel Buckingham introduced Lou Fitz & Craig Stapley, both running for Supervisor
Harry Mead mentioned that there are monies available for low income home repairs at the county level

J. Fairbanks -motion to adjourn, V. Gates-seconded; all in favor

Respectfully submitted,

Vicki Gates, Clerk

Thursday, September 6, 2012


Well, summer is gone, gone, gone....
and the annual softball game was a successfully fun time!
Elk Township was victorious, and many thanks go out to Sauble Township for their awesome hospitality!