JANUARY 8, 2013
Lou Fitz, Supervisor,
called meeting to order with a moment of silence
Pledge of Allegiance, led
by L. Fitz
Roll call, all officials
present: Lou Fitz, Supervisor-266.5040
Vicki Gates, Clerk-266.8248
Brandy Myers, Treasurer-970.9030
John Fairbanks, Trustee-266.8023
Sharon Young, Trustee-266.8432
J. Fairbanks-motion to
approve Dec 11, 2012 minutes, S. Young-seconded; passed 5-0
Board Member Reports:
L. Fitz, Supervisor-Board of Review Training in Cadillac
for $110.50:
J. Fairbanks-motion to pay
for training for Supervisor + mileage & meals; S. Young seconded; passed
Board of Review
appointments for two years: Don Arquette, Phillip VanVleet, Yvonne Kibbe, and
Kay Macdonald as an alternate; Oaths of office given by L. Fitz to Don Arquette
& Kay Macdonald
There will be a benefit
for Tracy Woolman @ Faith Fellowship Family Center on Sat, Jan 12th
4-7pm with an auction,
baked goods sale & spaghetti dinner to help with medical costs
V. Gates, Clerk-Requesting board approval on bills:
S. Young-motion to pay Dec
bills, J. Fairbanks seconded; passed 5-0
B. Myers, Treasurer-Read Treasurer’s report:
J. Fairbanks-motion to accept
Treasurer’s report, S. Young seconded; passed 5-0
S. Young, Trustee-Lake County Township Association
meeting will be in Chase on Jan 24th
Public Comments:
Harry Mead remembered when
he retired the interest rate was @ 10% and now it is squat
Dignitary Reports:
Fairbanks: Housing Committee has monies available
to assist low income & seniors to improve their homes, Sandy Clark is the
administrator of the program which is also looking for more local contractors
who will bid on these projects
Dept- Marilyn Zdebski: Fire Department
will be assisting in the benefit for Tracy Woolman
Young: Cemetery meeting @ Sauble on Feb
5th @ 3pm
Committee-S. Young: won’t meet again until
Englebrecht: 417 parcels checked (20% of
twp); notices of assessment changes will be going out end of Feb; Poverty
threshold must be set by Board before March Board of Review; new law will allow
taxable valuation to not be uncapped when transferred to immediate blood
relation; and the first $40,000 of Commercial/Industrial Personal Property will
be exempt from taxes
Old Business:
Floyd Kadwell &
Darrell Fenstermacher presented Independent Rural Waste Services Cost Sheets
for waste removal in Elk Twp (twp office has more info)
New Business:
Cemetery-L. Fitz: read a letter informing the Board of a
citizen who desires a “Green” burial in Lakeview Cemetery, this is a
natural/low impact (biodegradable material) burial which is currently precluded
by our Cemetery Rules & Regulations; J. Fairbanks-motion to temporarily
suspend need for vaults in the Lakeview Cemetery ordinance in order to provide
for green burials, S. Young seconded; passed 5-0 with the understanding that
Sauble will be relinquishing fiscal & managerial responsibilities of
Lakeview Cemetery & the ordinance needs to be updated
Blight Ordinance-L.
Fitz: provided the Board with sample
Blight Ordinances & discussed his conversation with Clifford Bloom,
attorney, concerning such ordinances; Board will continue to investigate
ordinances for “Junk” & “Dilapidated/Dangerous buildings”
Public Comment:
Independent Rural Waste
Services also helps individuals clean up their property
Harry Mead mentioned that
any type of blight/junk ordinance will cost the township
S. Young -motion to
adjourn, B. Myers-seconded; passed 5-0
Respectfully submitted,
Vicki Gates, Clerk