Thursday, September 26, 2013

Special Meeting...and another one Thurs eve @ 7pm

SEPTEMBER 24, 2013

Lou Fitz, Supervisor, called the meeting to order with a moment of silence
Pledge led by L. Fitz
All Board Members present:      Lou Fitz 266.5040
Vicki Gates 266.8248
Brandy Myers 970.9030
Sharon Young 266.8432
John Fairbanks 266.8023

Delete Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes from Agenda

Public Comment-none

New Business
·         Open bid (only one received) from G.E. Johnson from Reed City: Base bid=$133,351.20
·         Discussion ensued by Board, including possible changes to the bid in order to reduce costs
·         Discussion opened up to public; various comments & questions (see below)
·         V. Gates-motion to task Troy Johnson from G.E. Johnson to bring figures back to us for our next regular meeting Oct 8th @ 7pm; J. Fairbanks seconded; roll call vote: J. Fairbanks, No; B. Myers, No; S. Young, No; V. Gates, Yes; L. Fitz, No; motion failed to pass
·         J. Fairbanks-motion to discuss the new figures at a Special Meeting on Sept 26th, Thursday, @ 7pm @ township hall; S. Young seconded; roll call vote: L. Fitz, Yes; B. Myers, Yes; S. Young, Yes; J. Fairbanks, Yes; V. Gates, No (it was noted that V. Gates is not available on that date); motion passed

Public Comment-L. Fitz asked Troy Johnson when he could begin construction, Troy said he could begin as soon as the power pole is changed over

(Various public comments & discussion included…a “knock down” finish on the ceilings only with smooth on the walls; Troy will look into price difference; “knock down” finish would help with acoustics on the walls; Johnson company could begin as soon as possible and would be finished within 180 days; 2x6 studs for vault inside, no reason for metal studs in vault; Johnson company references include Tony Gagliardo, building inspector, and Darryl Fenstermacher of Independent Rural Waste, and Nordlund & Associates; no volunteer work on tear off of old “wood shed” (back part of building) because of electrical & liability issues; there is no renovating costs included for existing building; we could possibly save up to $10,000 by “backing out” painting, trim, cabinets, countertops, all interior doors, changing the kitchen sink, reusing toilet accessories; queries of a “performance bond” for the builders

J. Fairbanks-motion to adjourn, S. Young seconded; all in favor

Respectfully submitted,

Vicki Gates, Clerk

Thursday, September 19, 2013

September Regular Board Mtg

September 10, 2013

Lou Fitz, Supervisor, called meeting to order with a moment of silence @ 7pm
Pledge of Allegiance, led by L. Fitz
Roll call, officials present:      Lou Fitz, Supervisor-266.5040
Vicki Gates, Clerk-266.8248
Brandy Myers, Treasurer-970.9030
                                                Sharon Young, Trustee-266.8432
Officials absent:          John Fairbanks, Trustee-266.8023

S. Young -motion to approve August 13, 2013 minutes; B. Myers seconded; passed 4-0

Board Member Reports:
   L. Fitz, Supervisor
1.      Pre-Bid Info-4 contractors showed up for the pre-bid meeting
2.      DNR letter-amendments to Commercial Forest and Qualified Forest Programs
3.      Equalization letter-to all Lake County assessors to reassess all tax exempt parcels
4.      Historical Society letter-request for four-drawer filing cabinet
   V. Gates, Clerk
1.      Worked on $1708.40 reimbursement costs for the West Shore election
2.      Went to an Accounting & Payroll class put on by MTA
3.      Re-purchased 2 Lakeview Cemetery lots; sold 5 Lakeview Cemetery lots
4.      Cautions the Board on making decisions regarding the township over phones (all business and decisions must be completed in an open meeting)
5.      Requesting approval on bills paid in August:  L. Fitz made motion to approve bills; S. Young seconded; passed 4-0
   B. Myers, Treasurer
Read Treasurer’s report for August:  S. Young-motion to accept Treasurer’s report; V. Gates seconded; passed 4-0
S. Young made motion to set up a petty cash of $100 to be used by Treasurer; V. Gates seconded; passed 4-0
   S. Young, Trustee
            Attended the Lake Cty Twp Association meeting @ Sauble Twp: Emergency Management was very informative; received an ORV update; Habitat for Humanity has two houses available to be built in this area for qualified recipients
Public Comments:
Various questions & comments
Marilyn Zdebski relates that Johnson Road trash pickup site is always a mess
Jackie McKellar is secretary of the Cool Lake Property Association and they have received complaints of noise from gravel operations on 11 ½ mile rd

Dignitary Reports:
·         Fire Dept- M. Zdebski:  fire department report given
·         Historical Society-Ann Chase: next meeting will be Tues, September 17th  @ 10am, everyone welcome

Old Business:
Township Hall renovations: pre-bid meeting on Aug 26th was attended by 4 contractors; bids will be opened during special meeting on September 24th @ 7pm @ township hall
New Business:
1.      Trash bins: L. Fitz read email letter he sent to Roger Vasquez from Allied Waste, the district manager & area manager came out day after the letter was received and cleaned up the leftover trash; Allied Waste suggested Johnson Rd is the most troublesome trash bin in the twp; Dave Kott , Jim Abbott, and Scott Willis are working on a new style of trash bin that would be more durable & less of an eyesore; Dave Kott offered to place new bin @ Jeff Riggs’ property (across from Tiny’s Bait Shop), and also to put the old bin on Johnson Rd in addition to the existing bin on Johnson Rd
V. Gates made motion to instruct Dave Kott to place both bins in said areas; B. Myers seconded; passed 4-0
Independent Rural Waste Service discussed options their company could provide Elk Twp
V. Gates made motion to instruct the Supervisor to collect information of how other townships in Lake County & surrounding townships have provided weekly trash pickups; B. Myers seconded; passed 4-0
V. Gates made motion to instruct Dave Kott to work with Floyd (Independent Rural Waste Service) to research & provide costs for weekly trash pickup in Elk Twp; S. Young seconded; passed 4-0

Public Comment:
Adjourned @ 9pm

Respectfully submitted,

Vicki Gates, Clerk       