SEPTEMBER 24, 2013
Lou Fitz, Supervisor, called the meeting to order with a moment of
Pledge led by L. Fitz
All Board Members present: Lou
Fitz 266.5040
Gates 266.8248
Myers 970.9030
Young 266.8432
Fairbanks 266.8023
Delete Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes from Agenda
Public Comment-none
New Business
Open bid (only one received) from G.E. Johnson
from Reed City: Base bid=$133,351.20
Discussion ensued by Board, including possible
changes to the bid in order to reduce costs
Discussion opened up to public; various comments
& questions (see below)
V. Gates-motion to task Troy Johnson from G.E.
Johnson to bring figures back to us for our next regular meeting Oct 8th
@ 7pm; J. Fairbanks seconded; roll call vote: J. Fairbanks, No; B. Myers, No;
S. Young, No; V. Gates, Yes; L. Fitz, No; motion failed to pass
J. Fairbanks-motion to discuss the new figures
at a Special Meeting on Sept 26th, Thursday, @ 7pm @ township hall;
S. Young seconded; roll call vote: L. Fitz, Yes; B. Myers, Yes; S. Young, Yes;
J. Fairbanks, Yes; V. Gates, No (it was noted that V. Gates is not available on
that date); motion passed
Public Comment-L. Fitz asked Troy Johnson when he could begin
construction, Troy said he could begin as soon as the power pole is changed
(Various public comments & discussion included…a “knock down”
finish on the ceilings only with smooth on the walls; Troy will look into price
difference; “knock down” finish would help with acoustics on the walls; Johnson
company could begin as soon as possible and would be finished within 180 days;
2x6 studs for vault inside, no reason for metal studs in vault; Johnson company
references include Tony Gagliardo, building inspector, and Darryl Fenstermacher
of Independent Rural Waste, and Nordlund & Associates; no volunteer work on
tear off of old “wood shed” (back part of building) because of electrical &
liability issues; there is no renovating costs included for existing building;
we could possibly save up to $10,000 by “backing out” painting, trim, cabinets,
countertops, all interior doors, changing the kitchen sink, reusing toilet
accessories; queries of a “performance bond” for the builders
J. Fairbanks-motion to adjourn, S. Young seconded; all in favor
Respectfully submitted,
Vicki Gates, Clerk