Thursday, February 20, 2014

Sauble-Elk-Eden Twps Fire Dept Training

There used to be a house on 8 Mile Rd...not anymore...well, at least one less...
But the firefighters did an awesome job training on this old structure...
Hats off to our brave men & women on Sauble-Elk-Eden Townships Fire Dept...

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

New Offices...Public May Use Old or New Entrances

February Meeting

FEBRUARY 11, 2014
Lou Fitz, Supervisor, called the meeting to order with a moment of silence @ 7:01pm
Pledge of Allegiance, led by L. Fitz
Roll call, all officials present:             Lou Fitz, Supervisor-266.5040
Vicki Gates, Clerk-266.8248
Brandy Myers, Treasurer-970.9030
                                                Sharon Young, Trustee-266.8432
                                    John Fairbanks, Trustee-266.8023
Agenda -J. Fairbanks-motion to approve the agenda; S. Young seconded; passed 5-0

J. Fairbanks-motion to approve JANUARY 14, 2014 minutes; S. Young seconded; passed 5-0

Board Member Reports:
   L. Fitz, Supervisor
1.      House bills 5172 & 5173 would change how an assessor accesses properties
2.      Qualified Forest Program-no impact for Elk Township
3.      Board of Review for March will be published in The Star by Lake County Townships Association; S. Young-motion to NOT put Board of Review in the Bulletin Board News for March; J. Fairbanks seconded; passed 5-0

   V. Gates, Clerk
1.      Set up on-line banking @ West Shore in order to get statements in a more timely fashion
2.      Still have questions regarding Great Lakes Energy billing; will sort out with Nicki
3.      Board of Review members signed up for training
4.      Porta-jon service dropped; ATT & Gold Comm Cable will be on site Thursday to install/move services to the new part of the Townhall
5.      Ballot containers will be inspected at the County in March; will call to see if someone can drop them off early
6.      Requesting Board approval on bills including Midget Lake SAD; J. Fairbanks-motion to approve bills for January; S. Young seconded; passed 5-0 (Building costs are currently $112,115.31)
7.      Brining for 2014-2015; J. Fairbanks motion to send in brining contract not to exceed $6000; S. Young seconded; passed by roll call vote 5-0
8.      Harper Lake Association request: L. Fitz-motion to grant request for use of building on May 24, 2014 & August 30, 2014, 8 am – 11:30am; J. Fairbanks seconded; passed 5-0 (V. Gates will contact Dave Kott via email to confirm)
B. Myers, Treasurer
1.      Read Treasurer’s report for January : J. Fairbanks -motion to accept Treasurer’s report; S. Young seconded; passed 5-0
S. Young, Trustee
1.       Lake County Area Townships Association meeting @ Luther Fire Station on April 24, 2014 @ 7:30pm

Public Comments:
Pat Boik discussed why he thinks the trash bins are a problem for the township, suggests putting them @ the townhall year around
Jackie McKellar suggests that if we do away with the trash bins we will see more dumping in the woods
Joyce Durdel said congratulations to the Board in moving the offices out to the new addition
Marilyn Zdebski believes we will have problems without the bins although she offered thanks to Pat Boik for the work done with the cleanup of the bins
Harry Mead asked about Norman Twp trash operations; L. Fitz responded that Norman Twp has a punch card that residents pay for which allows them so many transfer station visits; they also pay someone to “man” the transfer station every Saturday
L. Fitz thanked the volunteers who helped move the offices: Joyce Durdel, John Fairbanks, Charlie & Sharon Young, Johnny & Vicki Gates, Sharon & Jack Puff, Kay & Jess Geiger (and Lou Fitz helped)

Dignitary Reports:
·         County Commissioner-J. Fairbanks:  reported there is a frozen water line under M-37 to the Mental Health Building in Baldwin; Sheriff’s Department will be receiving 3 new vehicles; Code Red was approved by the County (although residents expressed problems with the system); ORV ordinance has been approved the same as last year since there were few issues (only in Lake Twp); County Commissioners will be traveling to Elk Twp to hold a meeting on November 12, 2014
·         Fire Dept-Marilyn Zdebski:  fire department report given
·         Road Committee-S. Young: discussion regarding private road signs-V. Gates-motion that private road signs be paid for by private individuals on those roads; J. Fairbanks seconded; motion failed by roll call vote: J. Fairbanks, no; B. Myers, no; L. Fitz, no; V. Gates, yes; S. Young, no (1-4)
(L. Fitz to create a resolution for Board consideration on Board policy for private road signs)
Old Business:
·         G.E. Johnson bill: S. Young-motion to authorize L. Fitz & J. Fairbanks to sit down with G.E. Johnson before we pay his most recent bill; B. Myers seconded; passed 5-0
·         G.E. Johnson estimate for renovations to the existing hall: J. Fairbanks-motion to table the estimate until questions are resolved; V. Gates seconded; passed 4-1 (L. Fitz dissenting)

New Business:
·         Salary Resolutions: J. Fairbanks-motion to adopt Salary Resolution for Supervisor @ $8,500 per year; S. Young seconded; passed by roll call vote: L. Fitz, abstain; J. Fairbanks, yes; B. Myers, yes; S. Young, yes; V. Gates, yes
·         Salary Resolutions: J. Fairbanks-motion to adopt Salary Resolution for Clerk @ $10,500 per year; S. Young seconded; passed by roll call vote 5-0
·         Salary Resolutions: J. Fairbanks-motion to adopt Salary Resolution for Treasurer @ $11,500 per year; S. Young seconded; passed by roll call vote 5-0
·         Revised job descriptions: S. Young-motion to approve snowplowing job description as revised; J. Fairbanks seconded; passed 5-0
·         Revised job descriptions: J. Fairbanks -motion to approve janitorial job description as revised; S. Young seconded; passed 5-0
·         Revised job descriptions: S. Young-motion to approve trash receptacle & general area clean up job description as revised; L. Fitz seconded; passed 5-0
·         Bids: J. Fairbanks-motion to accept bid from K&P for snowplowing for 2014-2015 fiscal year; S. Young seconded; passed 5-0
·         Bids: J. Fairbanks-motion to accept bid from Pat Bishop for janitorial services for 2014-2015 fiscal year; B. Myers seconded; passed 5-0
·         Stipend for additional snowplowing & shoveling: J. Fairbanks-motion to approve K&P stipend for $200 for additional work necessary due to construction; B. Myers seconded; passed 5-0
·         Office accessories: J. Fairbanks-motion to authorize Sharon Puff & Joyce Durdel to purchase office items & a vacuum for new facilities, not to exceed $1000; B. Myers seconded; passed 5-0 (out of Building Capital Outlay budget)
·         Proposal from VanMaanen Heating Company: J. Fairbanks-motion to table proposal to install heat runs and adjust heat flow for existing hall; S. Young seconded; passed 5-0
·         Schedule a budget workshop: S. Young-motion to hold a budget workshop on March 11, 2014 @ 6pm @ townhall; L. Fitz seconded; passed 5-0 (L. Fitz will deliver a draft budget to each Board member)
·         Pre-bid meeting: after much discussion, including public input; B. Myers-motion to put a Pre-Bid Notice in the Bulletin Board News for renovations for the existing township hall; S. Young seconded; passed 5-0 (L. Fitz will put add in BBN for Feb 26th pre-bid meeting; bids due March 10th)

Public Comment:

S. Young-motion to adjourn; L. Fitz seconded; all in favor

Adjourned @ 10:04pm

Respectfully submitted,

Vicki Gates, Clerk       