Wednesday, August 20, 2014


AUGUST 12, 2014

Lou Fitz, Supervisor, called the meeting to order @ 7:00pm
Johnny Gates offered a prayer
Pledge of Allegiance, led by L. Fitz
Roll call, officials present:      Lou Fitz, Supervisor-266.5040
Vicki Gates, Clerk-510.2597
                                                Sharon Young, Trustee-266.8432
                                    John Fairbanks, Trustee-266.8023
Minutes approval-J. Fairbanks- motion to approve July 8, 2014 Regular meeting minutes as amended; S. Young seconded; passed 5-0

Board Member Reports:
   L. Fitz, Supervisor
1.      100 Year! Centennial Celebration @ Elk Township Hall on August 23, 2014 from 3pm-7pm, includes picnic supper, live music, historical displays, antique cars, fire apparatus (new & old), ribbon cutting ceremony & re-dedication of facility;  if there is anyone you think should be invited to this historical celebration contact L. Fitz
2.      Letters from Dan Holland, equalization director: Resolutions to correct winter 2013 tax bill; the resolution is to correct a 2013 clerical error relative to the rate of taxation; there will be more information forthcoming on this subject but the letter for a signed resolution was rescinded at the request of the Lake County Board of Commissioners
3.      MTA workshop: L. Fitz, Supervisor, would like to go to a workshop in Boyne City on Sept 25th discussing Lawful Expenditures-S. Young-motion to approve L. Fitz and/or B. Myers to attend class @ $79 each + mileage; B. Myers seconded; passed 5-0
   V. Gates, Clerk
1.      Successful election August 5, 2014 with 22% voter turnout=184 voters, including 47 absentee ballots
2.      Spent 16 hours with Microsoft IT in order to successfully update windows on dedicated election laptop
3.      Requesting Board approval on bills paid in July, including Big Bass Lake SAD- L. Fitz -motion to approve bills paid; S. Young seconded; passed 4-1 (J. Fairbanks, no) J. Fairbanks feels these July bills are not all periodicals and should be approved before payment is rendered
4.      Discussion ensued concerning budget amendment for the Building & Grounds Capital Outlay-B. Myers-motion to approve budget amendment of $4,000 out of unassigned funds to cover budget shortfall; V. Gates seconded; passed 4-1 by roll call vote (J. Fairbanks, no)
5.      Correspondence: letter from DNR regarding an Open House for State lands which are in Lake, Missaukee, Osceola, and Wexford counties on Thursday, Aug. 21st from 3pm-6pm @ Carl T. Johnson Hunting & Fishing Center in Cadillac; letter & draft from Norman Twp regarding their Master Plan for zoning, L. Fitz will contact Norman Twp and report as needed

B. Myers, Treasurer
Read Treasurer’s report for July-S. Young-motion to accept Treasurer’s report; J. Fairbanks seconded; passed 5-0
Public Comments:
Charlie Young-brining costs will be held down because of a truck being sold for $1 from Sauble-Elk-Eden Townships Fire Dept., which will be refitted and used for brining; Brooks road will close north of 10 ½ mile road Aug 25th – Sept 8th (approximately)
Sharon Puff-notice new elk head mounted on wall, donated by Jay Jorgensen (and a big Thank You from Board to Sharon Puff for all the decorations in township hall)
Marilyn Zdebski-understands the difference between “periodicals” and those things that should be voted on, and she feels the Board is respecting those differences
Joyce Durdel-there are some “discretionary” amounts approved by Board (ie. Office Supplies); objects to the supervisor not being able to oversee the appropriations in the accounting; does not feel that this Board is overspending budget indiscriminately
Bonnie Knysz-would like to see a lighted Exit sign on side of meeting room that exits into the kitchen and office space; thinks the township hall is looking very nice (L. Fitz stated he would like to see a lighted Exit sign factored into next year’s budget)
Karen Humfleet-realtor with Big River, discussed the garbage issue and the complaints she hears from possible new residents concerning the overflowing bins; wishes the Board could include monies in the budget for bigger, better bins to contain the bags; L. Fitz mentioned we have two more bins which could be placed next to the existing bins at Granger Rd/10 ½ mile & Bass Lake Rd/ 10 ½ mile
Dave Bass-wonders about the junk around residences which could also deter potential buyers
Tony Ellis-believes Independent Rural Waste is doing a good job picking up all the garbage around bins
Bill & Jill Gillard came to challenge Elk Township to the Annual Softball game @ Sauble Township on August 30, 2014; Sauble will provide hot dogs and asks participants to bring a dish to pass for a picnic
Tad Lane-discussed a situation on Little Manistee River where a two-track has been established on state property; suggests a large rock or two be placed so traffic can’t continue to river (north side of river); L. Fitz offered to contact DNR and see if someone will review this issue
Tony Ellis-feels that the contractor for the Big Bass Lake SAD (special assessment district) has been doing a good job at keeping costs down for the treatments and providing a good service of weed control; each property owner has seen a reduction in their SAD bill by $20/year
Tad Lane-suggests a capful of ammonia in garbage bags will deter critters from accessing bags

Dignitary Reports:
·         County Commissioner-J. Fairbanks-meeting of County Commissioners tomorrow where they will be discussing the tax error on the 2013 winter tax bill; there will also be a meeting on Aug 27th concerning the new building for the Sheriff department road patrol
·         Fire Dept-Marilyn Zdebski- fire department report given, including new truck being “in service”
·         Historical Society-Joyce Durdel-working on a pamphlet which is now at the printers (for the Centennial Celebration); V. Gates asked where this would be accounted for in the budget/billing; L. Fitz-motion to allow V. Gates, Clerk, to pay bills for the Historical Society up to $1000 out of the line item for Historical; S. Young seconded; passed 5-0
Old Business:
·         Set hearing dates for the Big Bass Lake SAD hearing dates; 1st hearing is to allow comments from people in the SAD and requires a mailing to each property owner & will be published in Bulletin Board News; L. Fitz-motion to schedule such hearing on Sept. 9, 2014 @ 6pm; J. Fairbanks seconded; passed 5-0 by roll call vote
·         Second hearing date for SAD; 2nd hearing is to allow for objections to the assessment roll for the SAD; must keep record of persons objecting; J. Fairbanks-motion to schedule such hearing on Oct. 14th @ 6pm; V. Gates seconded; passed 5-0 by roll call vote
·         L4029 approval needed for Millage Request Report to County Board of Commissioners for 2014 Tax Rate; S. Young-motion to offer the Resolution to approve the 2014 tax rate request form; J. Fairbanks seconded; adopted 5-0 by roll call vote
·         IRS vs. Independent Rural Waste: discussion ensued based on a Notice of Levy received from the IRS and included conversations & subsequent email from Cliff Bloom, our attoney, as well as conversation with a Labor Attorney, Grant Pecor recommended by Cliff Bloom, and conversations with Darrell Fenstermacher, Independent Rural Waste, and Wayne Nelson, IRS; S. Young-motion to pay IRS for monies owed to IRWS based on a contract with IRWS and services rendered during the time Elk Township received the Notice of Levy for monies owed to IRWS; B. Myers seconded; passed 4-1-0 by roll call vote (J. Fairbanks, no)
·         Some discussion related to the garbage service being provided by A-1 at the township hall for which we do not have a contract and have not been billed for the two totes on site; this will be discussed if we receive an invoice or contract from A-1
·         Payment to Cliff Bloom, attorney, S. Young-motion to pay invoice for service rendered; L. Fitz seconded; passed 5-0
New Business:
·         Door code for Ann Chase, Historical Society, J. Fairbanks-motion to provide Ann Chase a door code for meeting room only; S. Young seconded; passed 5-0

Public Comment:
B. Myers thanked everyone who came out for the Duane Dewey parade which included 23 fire trucks and numerous motorcycles

S. Young-motion to adjourn; J. Fairbanks seconded; all in favor

Adjourned @ 8:44 pm

Respectfully submitted,

Vicki Gates, Clerk       

Friday, August 1, 2014

Duane Dewey honored by a stamp recognizing 13 Medal of Honor recipients

 Barb Charnes, Clerk of Eden Township & Duane Dewey, Medal of Honor: Korean War
 unveiling the Medal of Honor stamp
 Greg Bombich, Sauble-Elk-Eden Twp Fire Chief, Brandy Myers, Elk Twp Treasurer, Lou Fitz, Supervisor of Elk Twp, Vicki Gates, Elk Clerk
 Medal of Honor Stamp Replica w/Duane Dewey standing in back (w/green beret)
Lake County Road Commission goes all out for parade

Eagle Scout Project by Austin McIntire