Wednesday, December 17, 2014

December Regular Meeting

DECEMBER 9, 2014

Lou Fitz, Supervisor, called the meeting to order @ 7:00pm
Prayer offered by Johnny Gates
Pledge of Allegiance, led by L. Fitz
Roll call, officials present:      Lou Fitz, Supervisor-266.5040
Vicki Gates, Clerk-510.2597
                                                Sharon Young, Trustee-266.8432
                                    John Fairbanks, Trustee-266.8023
Agenda-J. Fairbanks-motion to approve agenda as revised; S. Young seconded; passed 5-0
Minutes approval- J. Fairbanks -motion to approve November 11, 2014 regular meeting minutes; S. Young seconded; passed 5-0

Board Member Reports:
   L. Fitz, Supervisor
1.      LMWCC using hall first Saturday of every month for meetings-J. Fairbanks-motion to allow this action with no security deposit necessary; B. Myers seconded; passed 5-0
2.      SEE Fire Dept to use hall for Christmas party Jan 3, 2015
3.      Thank You to Sharon Puff for the Christmas decorations in and around the hall
   V. Gates, Clerk
1.      Attended a QVF-lite in Lansing in order to manage our Qualified Voter Files at the township
2.      Sold 2 cemetery lots
3.      Discussion of purchasing office supplies-J. Fairbanks-motion to allow Clerk to purchase necessary office supplies from Amazon; S. Young seconded; passed 5-0; related issue-S. Young-motion to allow Clerk to purchase office supplies as necessary periodicals; J. Fairbanks seconded; passed 5-0
4.      Need budget amendment for election costs overrun-S. Young-motion to amend budget redistributing $420 from savings to elections; B. Myers seconded; passed 5-0
5.      Requesting board approval on bills paid in November, including Big Bass Lake SAD- S. Young-motion to approve November bills; S. Young seconded; passed 5-0
  B. Myers, Treasurer
1.      Read Treasurer’s report for November- S. Young -motion to accept Treasurer’s report; J. Fairbanks seconded; passed 5-0

Public Comments:
Joyce Durdel related that it takes approximately 2 & ½ hours to heat the meeting room, and thinks the heat could be set higher when no one is on site

Dignitary Reports:
·         County Commissioner-J. Fairbanks-recommends everyone call their State Senators & Representative to protest the current bills to fix the roads, the current plans will not work because both proposals are based on state sales tax; County is tentatively re-funding the MSU Extention
·         Fire Dept-Marilyn Zdebski- fire department report given
Old Business:
·         Lp bid:  Crystal Flash has offered propane through April 30, 2015 for $1.899/gal, and will supply the tank & equipment & change it out for no cost. After discussion, J. Fairbanks-motion to task L. Fitz with calling Irons Bottle Gas to give them a chance to match the offer from Crystal Flash; S. Young seconded; passed 5-0
New Business:
·         Approval of Board of Review members-J. Fairbanks-motion to accept L. Fitz recommendation for the following Board of Review members; S. Young seconded; passed 5-0
Don Arquette, Chairman                    Yvonne Kibbe, alternate
Kay Macdonald                                   Joyce Durdel, alternate
Karen Fickies                                       Lou Fitz, secretary
·         L. Fitz administered Oaths of Office to Board of Review members in attendance
·         Discussion ensued concerning sidewalk snow removal-V. Gates-motion to authorize Pat Boik to purchase calcium chloride for the entrances & mileage for such; J. Fairbanks seconded; passed 5-0 (it was also discussed to block off the sidewalk between entrances for the rest of the winter)
·         Timely salary payment for the assessor discussed-V. Gates stated that his contract defines that he will be paid after each meeting; discussion tabled until January meeting when L. Fitz will follow up

Public Comments:
B. Myers thanked Pat Boik for being a Salvation Army bell ringer at Dublin Store and still attending tonight’s meeting
Marilyn Zdebski believes Irons Bottle Gas will match Crystal Flash offer
L. Fitz wished everyone a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

S. Young-motion to adjourn; V. Gates seconded; all in favor
Adjourned @ 8:04 pm
Respectfully submitted,

Vicki Gates, Clerk       