Saturday, April 4, 2015

Annual Meeting 2015

draft     ELK TOWNSHIP     draft
March 28, 2015

Lou Fitz, Supervisor, called the meeting to order @ 10am
Prayer offered by Johnny Gates
L. Fitz led the Pledge of Allegiance
Board present: Lou Fitz, Supervisor
                                Vicki Gates, Clerk
                                Brandy Myers, Treasurer
                                John Fairbanks, Trustee
                                Sharon Young, Trustee
Agenda-motion to approve agenda offered by Don Arquette; seconded by David Bass; passed
Minutes-motion to approve Annual Meeting minutes of March 29, 2014 offered by Joyce Durdel; seconded by Greg Bombich; passed
Board Member reports:
Supervisor-L. Fitz-State of the Township report
Clerk-V. Gates-election May 5, 2015 for Proposal 15-1, and Road Patrol Millage Renewal for Lake County Sheriff’s Department (Manistee ISD also has a Special Education Millage Renewal on ballot for Kaleva-Norman-Dickson school district); great audit for 2014; balance each month with the Treasurer
Treasurer-B. Myers-report given
Trustee-S. Young-continues to attend Lake County Area Townships Association meetings; and continues to look at roads in Elk Township for upgrades
Trustee-J. Fairbanks-noted the absence of Harry Mead
Public Comment:  Various
Salary Resolutions:
Supervisor salary-motion to raise the salary by $1500/yr  which will be equal to $10,600/yr offered by Don Arquette; seconded by Charlie Ludovissy; amendment to raise salary by $2500/yr which will be equal to $11,600/yr offered by Jack Puff; seconded by Don Arquette; passed 15-3-1
Clerk salary-motion to adopt resolution to keep salary at same rate of $11,100/yr offered by Marilyn Zdebski; seconded by Judi Bass; passed 13-5-1
Treasurer salary-motion to adopt resolution to keep salary at same rate of $12,100/yr offered by Don Arquette; seconded by Marilyn Zdebski; amendment to raise the salary by 3%, or $363/yr  which will be equal to $12,463/yr offered by Joyce Durdel; seconded by Don Arquette; failed 8-8-1
Treasurer salary-motion to raise salary by $600/yr which will be equal to $12,700/yr offered by Jack Puff; seconded by Charlie Ludovissy; passed 11-4-1
Reconsider Clerk salary-motion to reconsider offered by Jack Puff; seconded by Greg Bombich; passed 13-4-1
Clerk salary-motion to raise the salary by $600/yr  which will be equal to $11,700/yr offered by Jack Puff; seconded by Joyce Durdel; passed 12-4-1
Trustees per meeting-motion to direct the Board to look at line item for Trustee’s wages at May regular meeting to raise to $120/meeting; seconded by Joyce Durdel; passed 11-4-1
Public Comment:  Various
Adjourn-motion offered by Jack Puff; Marilyn Zdebski seconded; passed @ 11:45am

Respectfully submitted,

Vicki Gates, Clerk 3.31.15

Budget Hearing 2015

   draft        ELK TOWNSHIP          draft
March 28, 2015

Lou Fitz, Supervisor, called the meeting to order @ 12 pm with a moment of silence
L. Fitz led the Pledge of Allegiance
Members present:      Lou Fitz, Supervisor
                                    Vicki Gates, Clerk
                                    Brandy Myers, Treasurer
                                    John Fairbanks, Trustee
                                    Sharon Young, Trustee

Agenda-motion to approve agenda J. Fairbanks; seconded by B. Myers; all in favor
Minutes-motion to approve Annual Budget minutes from March 29, 2014 offered by S. Young; L. Fitz seconded; all in favor

Review of proposed budget for 2014-2015 fiscal year, beginning April 1, 2015

Public Comment: various

Old Business: none

New Business:
Resolution to establish a General Appropriations Act (Budget)-S. Young motion to adopt resolution with revised budget figures; B. Myers seconded; passed 5-0

Adjourn-motion to adjourn by J. Fairbanks; B. Myers seconded; all in favor-adjourned @ 1pm

Respectfully submitted,

Vicki Gates, Clerk